10 | Good Influence

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He could never love you. But, baby, I can
Would you let me hold you with blood on my hands?

"I wish it would stay like this forever"

"I thought I was getting homesick but in reality, I just needed sun"

I chuckle at the two who sprawled out on the green grass, soaking up the sun and nice weather. It's been cold and rainy the past week, Felix insisted this morning at breakfast that after classes we 'absolutely needed' to sunbathe.

I lean back onto my hands "Didn't you mention something about a meeting with the dean during breakfast?"

Hyunjin's eyes snapped open and he shot up, "Shit, shit, shit" He repeated as he gathered his thing before rushing off.

Felix sits up and chuckles at the boy who ran up the hill and into the main building. "Does he realize he still has shorts and a T-shirt on?"

It was an unspoken rule to never enter the main building in anything but our uniforms, a form of bad luck—I don't believe in it but I don't take the chance, nobody did except for the boy who was in a rush to talk his future plans after we leave this place.

I look to Felix "You miss home?" I ask, his words stuck to me though he was probably joking.

Felix looked to me, legs crossed as he looked down to the grass—picking at it. "I miss Mom and Dad" Felix looks at me and chuckles nervously "Minho's dad, not my—"

I shake my head "He's your dad too"

Felix smiles softly at me, "Sometimes it feels wrong to refer to him as my dad"

"Why?" I wondered, it didn't seem wrong to me.

Felix inhaled and shrugged "Ever since Minho came from his mom's, I never wanted him to feel like I was taking his dad from him"

"His mom?" I sat up straight, remembering Minho always called for his mom when he had nightmares. Felix visibly tensed, I decided to not mention it again and change the direction of the conversation "I don't think Minho feels that way"

Felix looks at me before the corners of his lips curve up "I can see why he hasn't requested a solo room" The blood rushes to my cheeks, making Felix laugh "Your good, he needs some good in his life"

"He's not so bad"

"Some would beg to differ," The boy said "The first day you hated the idea of rooming with him"

I give him a guilty smile "He might've grown on me"

"I can see that"


Felix and I bid our goodbyes after I announced I had to head in to do some studying in the library. Luckily the library was in a separate building then the main building, so I did not worry about changing out of the casual clothes I wore.

My books held to my chest as I walked the halls a familiar voice made me stop before turning down the hall. His voice was familiar, but his words cut me into shreds as I stood in place and out of Luke's sight.

"He won't steal my place in being the top student" He spat, "Even if Jisung does get a higher score, the school will never replace me. His dreams are useless and boring, something he would never succeed in because the boy is too soft—"

"Jisung, what are you—" I spin around too quickly, stumbling over my feet.

I look up to meet eyes with Minho who looks down at me, about to say something before I turn my head when I notice the conversation Luke has stopped and he is now looking at me with wide eyes, surrounded by his friends.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now