05 | Nightmare

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Two strangers
Turning into dust

I first heard mumbling, incoherent words from the other side of the room. Minho's side of the room. I ignored it at first, thinking maybe he was on a phone call, and tried to keep quiet but then the rustling started, making me sit up.

My vision was blurry from tiredness and I rubbed my eyes, looking over at Minho who wasn't up and talking on the phone like I assumed but was still asleep and not as peacefully as I remembered.

He mumbled still, moving slightly and I pushed the blankets away from me and got off the bed in an instant. Rushing towards the boy who was noticeably having a bad nightmare, sweat beading his hairline.

"I'm sorry" He mumbled, his words clearer as I got close to him "Mom, I'm sorry" He thrashed in his sleep. His voice getting louder "Mom, please" His voice was pained.

"Minho" I call his name, my hands softly on his naked chest, "Minho, wake up" I grab his face in my hands, trying to wake the boy but his head shakes off my hands.

"I'm sorry!"

"Minho!" His eyes shot open and he looked around, wide eyes and terrified, "Hey, it's okay" I grabbed his face in my hands again, "It's me, Jisung, you're okay"

Minho shook under my touch and his breath was heavy and I knew what was happening. I look into his eyes "Breath, breathe for me" I tell him softly and it doesn't seem to work as well, he looks so scared, "Do you trust me?"

Without a second thought, Minho nods—he wanted anything to help with this feeling and I give him a small smile, pulling away and pulling my shirt over my body. I didn't meet his eyes as I climbed onto his bed and onto his body, laying down to where our warm chests connected.

"Breath" I whispered, my fingers running slowly through his sweaty hair as his heart pounded nonstop and I didn't allow myself to tense up as his arms wrapped around my body, pulling me closer.

His breathing calming by the minute and I smiled lightly, "After the car crash I used to have really bad panic attacks and I had to go to therapy" I spoke softly to the boy, "They gave me all these ways that can help me in those moments but when it actually happened, I suddenly couldn't remember how to help myself"

"Can you stay... right here with me tonight?" I swallow harshly at his request and I nod.

"Of course," I tell him.

"Tell me more" His voice was hoarse and a bit strained like he was still shaken up from the nightmare. "Tell me more about you"

I found myself snuggling closer into his body, my head on his heart as I squeezed a tad tighter. I never felt so safe.

"Most of my life I've had this constant feeling of... loneliness," I tell him, my voice remaining gentle. "My parents travel for work and so I had a lot of nannies and babysitters. That's why they sent me here, because it was easier for them to not worry about me" I open up to him, I never really talked about this but I knew tonight he was vulnerable.

I felt his arms tighten slightly and so I continued "I'm glad they did bring me here, I've met amazing people and it's made me feel a lot less alone"

"Like my brother?" I pulled away for the first time and looked down at him, he was more awake now and less on edge.

I nod "Felix is great"

"Yeah, he is" I lay back down on his chest and realized how comfortable this was. It didn't feel awkward. I knew it technically was wrong because I had something going on with Luke but I was only helping Minho. I wasn't going to leave him afraid and in his nightmare.

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