29 | Lavender

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Even when I dream
You are next to me

A noticeable shift has happened between Minho and me since Friday. It's now Tuesday and we were back to just cuddles and kisses with added sexual tension we didn't act on. I wasn't sure if that made me appreciative that he wasn't rushing things now or overthinking why he didn't want to get physical like that again.

Showers were my personal time to think about everything even when I shouldn't. Spanning from my next tests to the taste of my roommate's cum, it's a wide range of thoughts truthfully.

I liked where things were with Minho. Do I want things to start moving forward? Right now I'm not sure but if you were to ask me in the moment where I'm wrapped up in his embrace, I would say I do.

I've never been in a relationship. Luke and I were never dating, though past me liked to think so—it was never official so I had never been properly asked out before. I don't even know if that was in the cards for me, still.

The hot water turned warm and I realized how long I'd been in here letting my thoughts take up all my time as the water got colder by the minute. I wash up quickly, grabbing my towel and drying up before getting dressed into sweats that hung loose on my hips. I don't bother with a shirt tonight because for some reason the room got hotter during the night—or maybe Minho just produced a lot of body heat... either way it was hot and I usually pull off my shirt in the middle of the night anyway.

I make my way back to the room where I knew Minho was because I had left him to shower as he continued to do whatever he was doing in his notebook. He seemed focused with his lips slightly pursed and brows pushed together.

Pushing open the door and being welcomed by not only Minho's voice but also Felix's who wasn't here when I left. I give Felix a small smile, walking past him as he sits in Minho's desk chair while Minho still sits on his bed, his notebook now abandoned and shut beside him.

I silently put my things away but I felt Minho's eyes on my naked back. "It's settled, I'll have Dad send two cars to pick us up Friday"

Minho sighs loudly, "I already told you, I told Dad to send my car"

Felix groans "Stop being stubborn, it will be after your game and you'll be too tired to drive" Minho goes quiet and I walk to my desk, flipping through my notebook and making sure I got all my work done for the night. "Let's leave it at that, I'll give Dad a call before bed"

I look over my shoulder to watch Felix stand up and walk to the door, "Goodnight" I tell him and he looks back and returns the words.

I walk to my bed and sit down, pulling out my phone and going through the missed texts I got while I was showering. Before I could respond to my parents I felt the bed dip at my feet, looking up and saw Minho get on the bed and tried to cuddle up with me but ended up groaning when he couldn't get comfortable because I was sitting up.

My smile slips and I give in, leaning over and putting my phone down, and turning off my light—making the room go dark this allows him to pull the blanket over us and sigh with relief as he pulls me closer.

I chuckle lowly as he puts his face in my neck, his hot breath hits my skin. I hear him sniff the nape of my neck before saying "You smell like lavender"

My fingers trace the muscles on his back and I hum "Probably the shampoo I use" I shrug lightly.

"I like it" He whispers before pulling away, "I always smell it on you but I couldn't put my finger on what the smell was until now"

We lay there, enjoying each other's warmth for a moment. Gentle touches and a few soft pecks before nodding off the sleep.


𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now