16 | Good Luck Charm

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Think you're just my type
And now i'm dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of you

"I doubt they would even show up," Hyunjin says with a bitter tone "Too busy arguing over who keeps what after the divorce"

"Maybe they will surprise you" Felix offers some reassurance making Hyunjin laugh and shake his head.

"If they did show up, I wouldn't put it past them to try and make me choose a side—which I refuse to do"

I furrow my brows "I thought you agreed with your dad on all this?" I asked.

Hyunjin shrugs "I agree with whoever talks to me at that moment, right now I haven't talked to either of them since they told me about the divorce"

I frown lightly, hearing a whistle blow. "Go get water and then I want to see it again!" The coach yells at the team and I inhale sharply when my eyes catch sight of the sweaty boy I couldn't stay away from, not just because he was my roommate but because he was like an addiction I couldn't quite put down.

Minho sweaty body glistened as he stripped off his shirt, the warm air thickening as he tried to catch his breath. Jogging towards the bench and grabbing his water bottle, he and Changbin seem to be in better moods with each other as they playfully shove each other.

His eyes look up towards the bleachers and meet mine, not caring who is watching as he winks at me. The blood rushes to my cheeks and I clear my throat and look away just to be stared down by Felix who most likely witnessed the whole thing—me gawking at his brother and the wink... look I haven't told a soul about Minho and I's little situation, if that's what you would call it.

We knew we liked each other and we were willing to explore that but we weren't dating, it's more like if it happens it happens and that would be... wow, I don't know I haven't thought that far just like I haven't thought about this not working out.

I look down or anywhere that isn't Felix or Minho, "Jisung" I look up to Luke who walks up the bleachers, "Can I talk to you?"

I nervously look at my two friends who stop their talking and look at the blonde, Luke has never talked to me in front of them so this was weird...

"What for?"

He scratches at his neck "I was hoping we could talk alone?"

"He said what for" Felix repeated my words but I'd never heard him talk so rudely to someone.

Luke looked at him and then it hit me, they knew each other of course. Their dads worked together.

"Homework, we have the same class and I was hoping—"

"Damn, you should take up some classes on lying" Hyunjin spoke up now, "We all know you don't have any trouble in class"

Luke sighs and looks at me "Can we talk or not?"

"I'm not in the mood" With that he leaves us and the two look at me "Im also not in the mood to explain that"

"That you two were seeing each other?" Hyunjin says making my eyes widen "I knew you were seeing someone but I didn't know who, until now because that was weird" He shrugs "I put two and two together"

I look away "So you know that I'm..."

"That you're into boys?" Hyunjin says and I nod, "I figured it out when you started dating Jackie, odd pair"

I let out a long breath and looked at Felix "And you knew?"

Felix smiles guiltily "I have eyes" Without Hyunjin noticing Felix motions to the field and I knew he meant Minho.

"This isn't weird is it?" I ask.

They shake their head "Nope" they said in unison.

We all looked away to the field and it felt like we all held our breath until we let out a loud laughter that I'm sure the team heard "You're making it weird Jisung!" Felix groans.

"I'm sorry I just, I didn't know I was that obvious!"


I groan loudly and don't notice the door opening until I hear his low chuckle "Another essay?"

I watch as he drops his bag onto the floor and I nod "It's draining the life out of me" My face hits the bed and I groan into it again, laying on my stomach, and with a headache meant another essay to be written.

I felt his fingers run through my damp hair that still hadn't fully dried from my shower earlier. My groans turn into a small hum with satisfaction.

As they leave my hair I look up "Stop drowning yourself in school work Ji" he walks to his bag and rummages through it. Pulling out his notebook.

"Am I the only one here worried about after graduation?"

Minho sits on his bed "I think everyone here is more stuck on their past" He tells me.

"Yeah, I rather think about the future. My past is... well boring" I look away from him and towards my half-written essay.

"Boring isn't a bad thing" I push my brows together and look at the boy who looks down at his notebook.

"I know it isn't" I sit up and push my laptop to the side, "Felix saw you wink at me earlier"

"I wasn't exactly hiding it," Minho says lowly before looking up at me with a small smirk "Felix is smart, he probably suspected something for a while"

"Was there something to suspect all this time?" I ask, Minho chuckles and shakes his head, looking down again. I squint and get off the bed and to his side of the room, I lean my palms on either side of his legs. "Have I been blind to all of this?" I gasp.

Minho looks at me and smiles, "Let's not be dramatic Ji" He pats the space beside him and I get into his bed.

Legs crossed as I face him "How long have you liked me?" I start to question him.

Minho looks away from me "I thought you had an essay to write"

I whine and fall back onto his bed, my head meeting his pillow "Don't remind me" I stare up at the ceiling as I start to hear him write on the paper.

"Ji" He calls me so softly that I feel like I was just imagining it. I hum, "I really want you to go to the next game, be my good luck charm?"

I suppress a smile, "Where is that big ego you had for the last game?" I say playfully.

Minho laughs "I know we will win, I just want you there"

I sit up and look at him, he was already looking at me with hopeful eyes. "I don't know..."

He pouts and looks down before looking back up at me "I'll just have to convince you"

I furrow my brows and before I could react his hands were all over me, tickling my sides and I erupted into loud laughter. Falling onto my back again as he hovers over me, "Stop" I laugh, my stomach starting to hurt.

"Tell me you'll go and I'll stop"

"Fine!" I yell, "I'll go!"

Minho smiles as he hovers over me, his hands no longer moving as they sit on my waist, "You can't back down"

I roll my eyes, but mentally I am all too aware of his hands on me as I sit up, making him pull away. "I'll go Minho, but I can't promise to know what's actually going on"

He lightly laughs and shrugs "At least you'll be there" he picks up his notebook again and I sit beside him now, putting my chin on his shoulder because now my body wants closeness.

[Now playing : Dreaming of You
by Cigarettes After Sex

Guys i'm soooo excited for Taylor's new album tonight!! It's going to be my new personality lmao

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now