02 | Bad Idea

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I was a morning person and not by choice. My body just never allowed itself to sleep in and sometimes I wish it did. I didn't need an alarm because my mind was always up by 6 am. My sleepy eyes open, the room still dark as I sit up and look around.

Minho was still asleep. There was a light pole outside our window, the iridescent lighting peaks through the blinds. I get out of bed and stretch quietly, my eyes still on the sleeping Minho. He now slept on his back, he was such a quiet sleeper.

I went to my wardrobe and figured there was no point in going to the restroom down the hall to change. Minho was sleeping so I didn't need to hide. I strip out of my pajamas and quickly change into sweats and a T-shirt. I walk to the door and slip on my shoes before exiting the room, I make my way to the restroom to freshen up a bit before my run.

My mom always said routines were essential so most of my life was set with a routine and as I got older it just stuck and it only got added to. Moving here I realized there wasn't much to do, we stood on campus for the majority of the time so running in the morning helped me a lot.

It helped me clear my head and move my body, instead of staying locked up in my room for the morning. Classes didn't start until 8, breakfast was at 7, I had time to spare and I'm glad that I had something to do now that Minho was my roommate.

I walked to the track that wrapped around the field, taking a minute to stretch. It was always a bit cold in the mornings but the more I ran the more I warmed up so I always ditched bringing a jacket unless it was freezing.


After my run, I returned to the room and Minho was no longer sleeping and was gone, I didn't think much about it because it was the time everyone started to wake up and get dressed for classes. I showered quickly and dressed in my uniform before going down for breakfast.

I spent most of my breakfast realizing how much Felix and Hyunjin got along and how weird it was to think about Felix being Minho's brother. I didn't want to ask too much about it but all the questions were ready to come out, thankfully breakfast was over before I could scare him away with said questions.

I didn't even know Minho had a brother. It was never mentioned and Minho's name was thrown around a lot over the years so I wonder why it never came out.

I felt my shoulder start to ache by my second class, making me lose focus on the teacher's lectures. I reach to my shoulder and lightly massage it, the sound of the bell making me let out a sigh of relief that this class is finally over.

I was hoping to leave the class unbothered but as I walked out a presence found my side, I looked and quickly looked away with a roll of my eyes "Not scared to be seen with me?"

"I was never scared"

I continue to walk with Luke beside me "Right because we are both straight"

"Jisung, not here" Luke mutters, my irritation making me forget all about my pain.

I sigh and stop in my tracks, looking at him "Not here, not there, please let's just not this anywhere... anymore"

Luke furrows his brows "What are you saying?"

"You know what I'm saying" I whisper-shout, "This isn't going to work," I said before walking away and into the dining hall.

I wasn't paying attention as I walked right into someone, "What the fu--" I almost cursed at them, but as my eyes met the big brown ones--I took a step back "Sorry"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now