14 | Irrational

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If we had a moment could you face it?
'Cause if I had the chance I would take you there

"Did you see the look on his face?" I laughed loudly, holding my stomach that ached from how much I was laughing. Minho laughed along with me at something we just witnessed before getting in the elevator.

The elevator doors open and I stumble out, making the both of us laugh even more. Minho grabs my waist to keep me from falling "Shit" I curse and I look up to Minho who is no longer laughing... or smiling, as he looks ahead and to someone in the hallway.

My brows push together and I stand up straight looking to where he looked and my mouth dried as they met with familiar blue ones.

"Luke," I said, sounding out of breath as I escaped Minho's hold "What—"

"Don't do this here" Minho walks in front of me, his voice sharp as he spoke to the blonde.

Luke smiles, "Do what Minho? I'm here to say hi to a good friend"

"He knows" I step beside Minho, "I-I told him"

Luke looks at me and tilts his head slightly "Yeah, I figured. You've never been good at keeping your mouth shut"

Minho takes a step closer to him "Don't talk to him like that" I put my hand on his shoulder, silently telling him that it's fine.

"Always protecting him from me? Im not going to hurt him Minho"

My hand falls from Minho's shoulder as I look from Luke and towards Minho, "What does he mean by that?"

"Oh" I look to the blue-eyed boy who looks at Minho and back to me "Looks like while you tell him your whole life story he keeps even the littlest things from you, yikes"

I looked at Minho and I could practically feel the anger roll off him as he clenched his jaw, trying to ground himself. "That's not true" I look to Luke, ready to defend the boy beside me "You're just trying to start problems"

"Am I?" Luke says, looking hurt at me "Jisung he threatened me, he threatened my family company if I didn't leave you alone"

My ears rang and I shook my head "Jisung doesn't want you near him, I was helping him" Minho finally spoke, turning to me "I was helping you"

I look back and forth before landing on Luke "You would never risk your family's company to see me" He was lying, he had to be.

Luke walks closer, grabbing my hand "I love you" I yank my hand back like I've been burned with fire.

I step back, turn around, and walk away. He loves me? I could laugh, no, I could fucking scream. I hate him. I hate how he chose right now to tell me those words.

And Minho, Ugh he was so— "Jisung" he followed me into our room. "Don't listen to him, he's talking crazy"

I turn to him as he closes the door "Did you threaten his family's company?" Minho walks further into the room, not saying a word but the silence says it all.

I scoff and run my fingers through my hair "What the fuck?!" My voice gets higher "How? I don't see how that's possible"

"My dad works closely with his, they were going bankrupt a few years ago—my dad stepped in and owns most of it now" I stare at him "Say something, please"

"That's wrong," I said, "You can't threaten people, that's not... that's not—"

"Normal?" Minho asks, "It's insane?"

I look away "I didn't say that"

"But you want to" He steps closer and I take a step
back, looking up to see a hurt-looking Minho. "I was trying to help you" he keeps reminding me.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now