19 | Rambling

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I get this feeling whenever I feel good, It'll be the last time
But I feel something when I see you now

I felt giddy as I leaned along the fence, waiting not so patiently. My eyes are trained on a familiar door to a familiar building. I ignored any and everyone around, probably wondering what and who I was waiting for as the sun started to set.

Finally, I look down and my feet start to kick around the rocks until I hear loud chatter. Looking up to see the football team start to leave the locker room, all looking freshly showered.

My eyes dart around for my roommate and when it was his turn to leave the building I jog up to him happily, "Guess what?" I beam.

Minho looked at me, surprised to see that I had been waiting for him "Should I get used to this?"

I furrow my brows and we continue to walk, "No" I say, "I come bearing good news" My shoulder hits playfully and he chuckles.

"Lay it all on me" He accepts with a smile.

"I passed my test" I grab onto his arm excitedly and he laughs loudly. Realization hits me and I let go of him, clearing my throat "I don't know what was up with me, the test was a breeze"

"Maybe just like me, you needed a good luck charm" I look at him and he sends me a wink "I'm yours"

I grimace playfully "I don't need someone to be great" I walk before him and into the building.

"That, you are right about"

I push the elevator button and turn to him "I really have no idea how I failed that test" I cross my arms "I could've sworn I chose all the same answers as last time"

The elevator doors open and we both walk in, "You passed" Minho tells me, "You really are an academic weapon" He says playfully.

I roll my eyes with a small smile "I know, I don't want to brag" I look to him, "I've been meaning to ask why the coach has been making the team practice extra hours?"

The elevator doors open and we walk out as Minho groans "Don't get me started with that" But I know he would continue as he sighs loudly, "There been these rumors that the next school we play brought in really good players this year"

I quickly unlock and open the door to the room, both of us walking in "The coach is worried?" I ask as I sit on my bed.

I had just gotten out of the shower when I got the email that I had passed the test, excitedly getting dressed and running down to go share the good news. What I didn't realize was that I'd have to wait half an hour for the boy.

Minho drops his bag "He's been on our asses to perfect this new play for this week's game"

I frown, "You must be exhausted"

The boy shrugs "I'll be fine when we win" He smiles and my body warms. This is the first time we're alone with a lot of time to spare. Last night we went to bed as soon as he came back to the room.

So in typical Jisung fashion, I started rambling. "Felix is great" I nod to my words, "He visited me at the library yesterday and I never realized how much he listens but he did... he sat there and he listened. Which made me feel good, I mean in the moment I felt far from good but I felt heard. Got me out of my head and for a moment helped me relax. Great dude" Minho looks at me with a certain look in his eyes and a small smile on his face. "What?"

Minho shakes his head lightly, "Nothing" He says, walking to me slowly, "I just... I really want to kiss you right now" He says lowly.

Butterflies spread into my stomach and any worry I've ever had disappeared. I swallow harshly, "Why don't you?"

He gets to me, but still, he doesn't touch me as he says "We haven't exactly talked about that night, we should" his hand grazes my thigh.

I watch as his eyes drop to my lips as I say "Then let's talk about it"

Minho meets my eyes again before saying "You go first, I want to hear what's on your mind" I smirk and hum, making him chuckle lowly and push my shoulder playfully.

Something about being around him makes me feel confident. Like I don't have to overthink every little thing I do or hide a certain part of myself. It felt like he already saw and knew me.

I wrap my arms around his neck, "You, only you" I tell him the truth. He was the only thing on my mind and that was so bad for me. He was a distraction I couldn't have but I wanted. I wanted whatever this was because, in my sad boring life, he's been showing me what it felt like to just be happy. To laugh until my stomach hurt or to smile to where my cheeks became sore.

In seconds his lips were on mine. They felt so familiar, moving in sync with mine like we spent a lifetime getting to know each other's mouths but this was only our second kiss. Yet, we just knew how right this felt.

His hands on my waist, roughly like he knew he had to keep me at some distance or it would've been a big problem but I wanted him closer. I wrapped my leg around his body and did just that.

Minho pulls away and plants a kiss on my cheek, jaw, and down to my neck. My head falls back as his tongue laps over my skin. I couldn't hold in my low whimpers and he nibbled and marked my skin lightly, he hummed with satisfaction. Grabbing my jaw firmly, to kiss me once more. My mouth opens and he happily explores it.

Nobody has ever made me feel this way, this good. Never got me to the point of wanting to surrender everything in such little time. I didn't understand it or this feeling. I want him and his mouth all over me, right now... always.

Minho pulls away, hand still on my jaw as he says "Don't ever make me wait that long to kiss you again"

[Now playing : ICU by Pheobe Bridgers]

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now