07 | Resisting Temptation

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I want you to breathe me in. Let me be your air
Let me roam your body freely. No inhibition, no fear

I walked with my hands in my jacket pockets, the crisp breeze flowing through my hair as I made my way near the field.

They won, just like Minho had said they would and I waited in the dorm for thirty minutes before leaving to meet with Minho.

I didn't go to the game and Minho didn't try to invite me to it either. Not that I cared. I wouldn't have gone even if he had.

A lot of the boys at school attended these games, it was the only few things the school had for us to do and a reason for the all-girls school to be welcomed on campus. They took advantage of game days.

As I walked others still lingered near the field and on the bleachers. I knew everyone hung out after games, hardly staying in the dorms but instead socializing.

My gaze found a blonde who was laughing with his group of friends and something filled my stomach. Jealousy maybe. I wasn't jealous that Luke was laughing at whatever they talked about, I just felt envious that he didn't lack fun in his life.

I never had the normal teen experience like most do. My nose was in books for as long as I could remember, by doing so I can't complain.

I look over my shoulder at the sound of the locker room doors opening and the cheering of the winning team. Minho walks out after three guys, one of them patting the boy's shoulder.

Minho gave the boy a nod before looking around. My eyes couldn't help but look over his body, freshly showered—his wet hair fell in his face, I would scold him about how he could get sick but we weren't that close for me to do that.

He wore a large black hoodie despite his wet hair and a pair of jeans, swallowing harshly as I looked up and his eyes met mine. A smirk plays on his face as he walks to me, "Tell me the truth, how much did you overthink this before leaving the dorm?" He asked as he walked to me, the breeze blew his clean scent towards me.

"A lot, including the near meltdown I had when I couldn't figure out what to wear"

Minho's eye shamelessly looked over what I wore "Not half bad" I roll my eyes as he chuckles.

"Minho, you coming?" I look behind Minho and swallow harshly as I notice his friends waiting near the locker rooms.

I look back at Minho, shifting on my feet a bit as I notice that he didn't have to look back to know who called for him. He just looked at me, "We don't have to go" His voice was soft and understanding.

I shake my head "I want to go" I say, subconsciously my eyes going to Luke and his friends again. I snap my eyes back to Minho who followed my gaze, "We should go before I change my mind" I force a chuckle out and Minho looks at me and nods. Turning around and walking away—I follow quickly beside him.

"Minho made friends with his roommate? That's surprising" Changbin let out a chuckle but Chan only nudged the boy to shut up.

I forced a smile as they started to walk with us. "So, this your first party?" I looked beside me to Chan and he found my gaze.

I nod quickly, "If you don't count going to birthday parties in elementary school and the one I was practically dragged to a couple years ago" I smile and Chan cracks a small smile.

"How many were you actually invited to is the real question?" Changbin buts in.

I hum thoughtfully but I don't really have to think, saying "None, their parents forced them to invite the whole class or else it would be rude"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now