11 | Possessive Freak

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Don't leave me lonely
Don't leave me unhappy

I'm not confrontational. I avoid. It's not the easiest thing to do here though, you run into everyone even when you don't want to.

I don't want to talk to Luke, I don't want to hear his apology, I don't want to look into his ocean blue eyes that pierce into my soul while he tells me all these excuses on why he said what he said. He said what he said and I don't think there is any explanation for it.

He looks down on me and thinks everything I shared about my dreams was boring and something I would never be able to reach.

After my talk with Minho last night, I realized one thing. I don't need Luke to be happy or to validate my feelings. Truthfully, I kept him around because he was the only one who knew me from inside and out. I guess what they say is true, your biggest enemy is the person who knows you the most.

"—Due by the end of the week" The teacher announces as everyone packs up.

I sling the bag over my shoulder and walk out of the classroom, nothing sounds better than to get back to my room and take the fattest nap—I stop in my tracks when I notice the very blonde boy I've been avoiding is walking towards me.

I panicked, turned away, and walked to the first group of people I was familiar with. "Hey," I say with a forced and most definitely nervous smile on my face as the group looks at me.

"Hey..." One of them says and I turn to look at the one I'm most familiar with.

His big brown eyes looked down at mine before looking away and behind me, realizing why I needed an escape.

"Shit forgot that you said you would help me" Minho looks at me.

I push my brows together, "Help you?"

"With my chemistry"

"Chemistry?" Chan sounds unsure and Minho looks at him.

"Yes, chemistry"

I nod slowly "Yeah, that's why I'm here" I gave the others another forced smile.

Changbin looks at me and squints "Okay, we get it"

"We should go," Minho says, "Study" he states and I tried to hold back from laughing. Turn around and meeting eyes with Luke who was talking with his friends but his eyes happened to be on me while he spoke.

I cleared my throat and Minho and I walked past them "So chemistry?"

"I took it last year," Minho says nonchalantly, I snap my head to him and he looks at me with a smirk "They knew I was lying"

My mouth opened in slight shock, so they also  knew I was lying. Yeah, I'll be praying before bed that I'm not on their bad side. They weirdly make me feel like they are huge on loyalty.

"You don't take it this year do you?"


I groan as you walk out of the building, the crisp air hits my face as we walk "Then why lie?"

"The obsessed blonde was right behind us, definitely listening and you needed a way out" I glance at the brunette that walks beside me, "You haven't talked to him I'm assuming?"

I look ahead and notice we are heading towards the bleachers, "No, I-I just... I don't know why it's hard for me to—"

Minho chuckles lowly "I didn't say you had to" We sit down on the bleachers that were empty.

I let my back fall from my shoulder as I looked at Minho "I always forgave him easily" I admitted "Not saying I will this time, I guess I just don't feel like I need his excuses this time"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now