25 | Hopeless Romantic

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The only flaw, you are flawless
But I just can't wait for love to destroy us

I was never a hopeless romantic type of boy. Obviously, I was like any normal person and I wanted to find love and be in love but I'm also aware there is no perfect person out there that will check every single box someone has.

All until now, something kept telling me that Minho and I were meant to meet. He is supposed to be in my life and me in his. It all felt that way. It all just fit and made sense.

I could watch him for hours, that being sleeping, talking with his friends, and especially now as he practiced under the cloudy sky.

I got lost in him. In everything he did, he was just mesmerizing.

I started to incorporate this into my routine—watching him practice in a way to make up for not going to his games, which I recently started to feel like shit for.

"He doesn't look happy" Felix's voice broke me from my thoughts. Slowly standing up he takes in the mess happening on the field.

My brows pushed together, watching the coach yell something to the team but they were too far down the field for us to hear clearly. Changbin throws his hands up in frustration. My eyes jump to another teammate who shoves Minho, making him stumble a bit on his feet.

"What the fuck?" Felix mutters lowly.

My eyes never leave Minho as he pulls his helmet off and tosses it onto the field, fuming as he rushes the boy—the coach blows his whistle as Minho's hands connect with the boy's chest, shoving him back as he gets in his face.

I was on my feet in seconds just like Felix, watching the commotion. It didn't go further as the rest of the team stopped it and the coach pointed towards the locker rooms.


I mindlessly scroll through my phone, sitting on my bed and leaning against the wall when the door opens. My eyes leave the screen as I look towards a drained-looking Minho.

I don't say a word as he puts his things away, hair still wet and clung to his forehead like he rushed here and didn't bother drying it.

He turns to me and finally, his eyes meet mine, a small sigh leaves his lips as he walks to me. I bite back a smile as he gets on the bed and puts his head on my stomach with a groan "I needed this all day" He says as he wraps his arm around me.

I smile at him, rubbing his back softly "What happened out there?"

"Anderson is a shit safety" He mumbles into my stomach.

"He's new isn't he?" I ask and this makes him pick his head up, chin on my stomach and he looks up at me, brows furrowed "What?"

"How do you know that?"

"Why wouldn't I know that?" I ask him back, "I've been at this school as long as you, I know when someone is new around" Minho squints his eyes and I laugh loudly, "Don't go jealous on me"

He sits up and shakes his head "No, I'm not" I give him a look and he breaks out in a guilty smile, "Fuck, fine... maybe a little"

I sit up and grab the back of his neck, smashing my lips onto him. As I pull away I say "Don't be jealous of someone that doesn't have me like you do"


"Jisung" I look up from my notebook, getting interrupted as I was in the middle of note-taking. My eyes meet my teacher as she says "The nurse called for you, just take your things since class is almost over" I nod slowly, confused.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now