27 | Lust-Filled Eyes

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I can see it in your eyes
You're the kind who'd let the flames take your life away

"Do you ever think maybe running is the cause of your body aches?" Hyunjin questions me.

I furrow my brows "Running is my only form of exercise" I roll my eyes and continue to stretch. The football team practicing can be heard in the distance as the track circles around the field they practice at. This wasn't ideal, truthfully the air was much more suffocating during this time of day, even with these clouds covering the sun—the humidity today was horrible.

"Skipping your morning run and breakfast?" Hyunjin pushes the topic teasingly, "That's not like you at all"

"Yeah, well if I wasn't rudely woken up in the middle of the night I wouldn't have slept in" I give them a half lie.

"Sorry about that again" Felix apologizes.

I wave him off "Don't worry about it, really" I give him a small smile, "Time me?" Felix nods and pulls out his phone before I start my run.

I never time my runs, mostly because I wasn't running towards some sort of achievement. I ran because it was freeing and it gave me time to think about everything but also escape it in a way.

The humidity stuck to my body and caused me to sweat more than I would during the fresh morning air. I ran one lap around the track, the sounds of the coach's whistle in the distance and the team's random cheers or yelling out plays.

My mind drifts off to where we will all be after graduation. Where will I be? Who will I be, more importantly?

"Jisung!" My name was called and my run turns into a small jog, which turns into a full stop. Looking around and seeing Felix in the further distance where I left him and Hyunjin by the bleachers. The boy stands up and holds his phone up in a way of telling me he stopped the timer. I looked to the field and to the team who continues to practice and to Minho who was running to catch the ball... "Jisung" My name was called again and I snapped my head to the boy, finally realizing who was calling out my name as he jogged up closer to where I stood on the track.

Before he could get to me, I walked away. Letting out a small scoff and shaking my head at how persistent Luke was. At this point, I was fully done with him and his ruse.

"Just listen to me" His voice was stern as he grabbed my wrist, stopping me from walking away and pulling me to look at him.

"Hey, back off!" Hyunjin runs to us as I yank my arm out of his grip. Felix follows the boy.

"Can you stop" I look to Luke, shrugging "Take a hint"

"Ji, please I said I was sorry" Luke steps closer to me, "This isn't you... I know you, you know that" He looks into my eyes and pleads, "Where is the Jisung that used to cry in my arms?"

Felix steps between us, "He said stop" His voice, is protective.

The commotion must've brought attention to us as I nervously looked to the field where the football team looked our way. I swallow harshly as I notice Minho find my eyes, realizing I am a part of this. I look away immediately.

"Mind your business Felix" Luke gets in his face before looking over to me "Let's go somewhere to talk, we need to"

I shake my head "Why, so you can push me around again?" I spat. The color leaves his face and I didn't realize my words until they were already out in the open and everyone seemed to pause.

What I also didn't realize was Minho's presence, he probably ran over here the second he realized what was going on.

I look at him as he looks at Luke, in reality, everything happened fast but for some reason, it felt awfully slow. I could practically feel Minho's blood boil as my words filled his head and set into what that meant.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now