03 | Drunk Talking

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"In the woods?!" Felix's voice was high as he grew shocked. Hyunjin tells him about school drama that happened over the years.

Hyunjin nods with a grimace, "The video was everywhere and they both got kicked out"

"B-But how did that happen? I thought the girls weren't allowed on this campus?"

"They're not, just on game days," I tell him, "Doesn't stop them though"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Felix asks and Hyunjin chuckles, making Felix furrow his brows. "Am I missing something?"

"No, I don't really date," I said, glaring at Hyunjin. "I have dated just not anything recent"

"Jisung dated this girl named Jackie, she goes to the all-girl school and I peer pressured both of them into going to a party, and let's just say she drank more than she can handle—ended up puking all over his shoes"

I grimace and so does Felix "Gross"

"Tell me about it" I mumble, that felt like so long ago. When I tried to force down the thought of finding other boys attractive. I only dated her to prove to myself that I did like girls but ultimately I just came to terms that I was in fact gay.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see a text from Luke. Hyunjin, and Felix looking out to the field as the football players ran onto the field to start practice before their game tonight.

Can we talk?


Ji, please, I'm sorry

I sigh lowly, biting at my bottom lip, contemplating if I should hear him out.


Meet me on the roof?

I stand up and grab my bag "I forgot my notebook in math class, I'll see you later" I tell Hyunjin and Felix who just looks at me and nods, before going back to talking about who they think will win tonight's game.

Hyunjin's dad used to go here and play football so he was practically raised surrounded by the sport. Though he didn't play it, his dad was bummed but didn't pressure him. He loved football though.

I walk down the bleachers and I look to the field, my eyes immediately going to my brunette roommate, Minho who stretched. I swallow harshly and his eyes look over the people on the bleachers. A lot of guys hung out around here after classes and when the team practiced.

As Minho looked over the bleachers as he stretched, his eyes caught mine and I looked away. Muttering out a curse as I walked away and hoped he didn't think I was some weirdo watching him. I mean, I won't lie to myself—I often found myself lurking around practices to get a glimpse of him in this state. Sweaty and focused. He had one hell of a body.

I shake my head lightly, I couldn't fantasize about my roommate, that was weird. I walk to the building of our dorms, already knowing my way to the roof because it became a spot Luke and I often went to make out or just hang out.

I jogged up the stairs after I could no longer take the elevator up, pushing the door open, and there he was.

With the sound of the door, Luke turns around and gives me a small smile. I push my hands in my pockets, "You wanted to talk?"

He nods slowly "Mostly apologize"

I walk to him and lean onto the wall of the roof ledge. Luke stands in front of me and I look down "I just don't know how this can work anymore"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now