17 | You Want Me

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You're the bad boy that I always dreamed of
You're the king and, baby, i'm the queen of disaster

"Finally got bored of studying?" Hyunjin says jokingly as I sit beside them on the full bleachers.

"It's our last year" I stare at the obvious, "Missing out on studying a few times won't cause me to fail"

"Minho does know how to convince people"

I look at Felix who smiles at me and I roll my eyes "I never mentioned Minho" Felix shrugs.

The sound of a whistle takes our attention, my eyes going to the field where the players started to gather. I wasn't a sports person so I had no idea what was going on. There was a lot of pushing and shoving and I'd love to believe I could do all that but I knew deep down I would get stomped all over on that field. They were aggressive and now I see why it helps Minho release whatever stress he has.

I was at the edge of my seat as the third quarter ended, the players walking off and to the benches "Damn, the other team is better than I expected"

"Last year they sucked, I guess they really put in the work," Hyunjin tells Felix, my eyes going to my roommate who looks up at the bleachers just to spot me. Giving him a small thumbs up, making the boy look down and suppress a smile. I was here for him, not the game but it was actually pretty good.

"I can't believe they got back together" I looked to Hyunjin who grimaced.

Furrowing my brows "Who?" I ask curiously.

"Jackie and that guy you punched" He motions to the bottom of the bleachers where they stood with Ivy and two other guys.

"Fuck" I curse lowly, "I'm not sure that this is a good thing"

"Definitely not" Felix responds, "Maybe we try to stay hidden with the crowd, they won't notice us" He suggests.

Hyunjin and I agree, I didn't want to be the one to ruin the night for Minho. So, I'll sit here and remain unseen by the current boy who possibly wants me dead.

As the team took home another win, I prevented myself from cheering too loud. As the bleachers clear up, Felix, Hyunjin, and I scurry off with the crowd.

Stopping beside the locker rooms where most of the students were Felix turns to me "You think they came here to look for you?"

"Jackie knows Jisung doesn't go to these things" Hyunjin reassures a suddenly worried Felix.

"I really should get back to the room—"

"Already?" Hyunjin pouts, "Roaming hours extent in game nights Ji"

I roll my eyes "I don't think it's a good idea, especially not with them around"

The two boys' eyes leave me and go behind me when a sudden impact sends me stumbling a bit, "Jisung, you have to go" I look to Jackie, her eyes wide.

I furrow my brows "What?"


Before I could comprehend any of what was happening, a familiar boy found me. Oh if looks could kill I would be one murdered boy, honestly wouldn't have a chance at survival if that was the case as he glares at me.

"Jackie lied, you do leave that dorm of yours"

"You've been looking for me?" I ask, taking a step back, "Flattered"

The boy shoves me but I don't fall "We both know how this will end"

I chuckle nervously, look I might've gotten a good punch in last time but that was when he wasn't expecting it. I was a shit fighter and I knew he was right. I wasn't winning this. I looked towards my two friends but Felix was no longer beside Hyunjin who looked like he was contemplating getting involved or choosing his life.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now