Chapter 1: Sad reality ( Past)

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"OMG! I can't believe my bro is going to admit his feelings to you today Rhe, "Layla gushed

I looked at Layla can't believe it, it's been 10 years that I have been in love with Ares Walker my best friend he is that friend that is always there for you, always knows when you are feeling down, always tries to make you laugh he was just always their in the right and the wrong moments. We have known each other since we were 7 years old, and that's how I met Layla, my ride-or-die. Layla and Ares were both adopted at age two so that makes them adoptive siblings they have a wonderful bond, something I wish I had with my step-sister, but that's another story for another day.

Bringing it back to the topic, Ares messaged me. He had something important to tell me and that I should meet him at our usual spot by the lake. Layla thinks he will confess his feelings to me. Oh, I hope, so I have been praying to Papa and god for this to happen.

"We going to be legally sisters if he confesses to you like can you believe it you waited years for this day and it's going happen," Layla says

I then smile at her," Hopefully, I believe it will happen today, Papa is watching me, and I believe god is granting my wish," I say back
Layla then jumps off my bed and hugs me so tight from behind she then says, "You know you, my bestie right Rhe oh I can't describe how I am so happy for you.

I look at Layla feeling the need to cry. I know I am so dramatic now, and there are better things to cry about, but how did I get so lucky to have friends like Layla? I remember when my Papa passed away and how she and Ares stood by my side even when my mother was dating and seeing other men while I was grieving they were here for me.

I remember the day my mom got married to stepdad Paul Myers and how Layla forced her parents to take me on vacation with them cause she probably knew I couldn't have coped with the pain at the age of twelve.

I then hug Layla tightly and say, "How would I cope without the Layla effect?" Layla then says, "You will be sweetness without a bit of tanginess." I laugh and then look at the time I better start to go, or else I will be late for Ares.

Layla then rushes me to get done, finally, I'm done I then rush downstairs just to bump into my step-sister Kylie she looks at me annoyed, "Watch where you going bitch," she snaps luckily Layla just left or she would have thrown hands like the last time.  I just look at Kylie, not letting her affect my good mood, and walk past her.

I then finally arrived at the lake, took long, though. I then see Ares sitting on the bench by the lake feeding birds as we do often I smile thinking I wonder how we are as a couple, ok stop it Rhea you getting ahead of yourself now he hasn't even confessed yet.

I walk over to the bench to sit down next to Ares he then notices me and says, "Hey gummy bear, took you long enough."
I hate that name he calls me it because have a massive addiction to gummy bears. I look at him in his massive blue eyes and ask him, "What did you call me for ?" he then says, "You just got here and I did not even receive a hug whatsoever".

"It's not like that Ares, it's just you made it seem like it's urgent and I just want to know," I say he then looks at me and then to the sky he stands up from the bench and pulls me up with him, "You remember how I always told you on how I want my cinderella and that I just can't find her but I think I found her."

I look at the ground, feeling so happy that he is going to confess to me. "I started to realize I never actually had to find my Cinderella she was here all this time right in front of me this whole time."

"Stop speaking in riddles Ares just tell me," I say getting frustrated he then takes my hand and looks me in the eye, "Just promise me whatever I say won't affect our friendship," he says.

I look him in the eye and say,  "I promise" he then sighs and says "I fell in love with...," finally the moment I have been waiting for arrives, "Kylie, I fell in love with Kylie Rhea," he says. I look at him feeling the need to break down this can't be possible how can the boy I loved all these years be in love with my step-sister the girl who made sure I never got a mother's love? I feel like I'm about to stop breathing any moment. Now, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. "Rhea say something please," Ares pleads i then realise I can't cry in front of him it will only make it worse so I say," When did you realise this"  he then says," Summer school break camp I saw a different side to her we bonded over some things".

You know the feeling of being in a dream where everything is good, and then you wake up from that dream and step back into reality. That's how I feel at this moment. "Does she feel the same way?" I ask he then says, " I hope so we have been going out on a few dates for these past 2 months  i asked her out on a date tonight I planned something really special I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend."

I can't hear this anymore it hurts me to my core knowing that the guy I love doesn't love me back, "I'm sure she loves you Ares a person would be dumb not to love you" he then observes me luckily his phone rings I turn around from him feeling the tears leaking out of my eyes he then speaks to that person only to notice he is speaking to Kylie then he says, "Speaking of the devil Rhea but I got to go and prepare for tonight Kylie just called," he then comes and hugs me and leaves me by the lake.

I begin to cry so hard my life feels like it's about to end," God why are you doing this to me I was told not to question you but you took my Papa away from me, you gave my mothers to love Kylie and now you giving my true love to Kylie who are you going to take next away from me is it Layla cause I won't be able to deal with that too," I cry pleading for an answer.

I then decided to go home laughing to myself that I called that hell hole my home. I then go straight to my room to my bathroom just to take my clothes off and get into the shower I then start to cry why is loving someone so hard why do the people who don't deserve the pain get the pain? I feel like a part of me is broken I can't deal with it anymore. I then get out of the shower to change into sweats just to see I have 6 missed calls from Layla I can't see her right now she can see through me but it's too late as Layla comes busting through my room door.

I'm laying under my blankets sniffing into my pillow she must have felt something was off cause she jumps into bed with me and holds me into her arms and I cry so hard cause that's all I can do it hurts so much that it feels like I'm having a heart attack.

I must have fallen asleep in Layla's arms cause her arms were still around me. I then check my phone just to see I have been tagged into an Instagram story and a picture of Ares and Kylie kissing on a boat saying they are officially boyfriend and girlfriend Layla must have gotten tagged too because she hugs me so tight and asks me what happened.

I tell Layla the whole story and she feels so angry and hurt for my part she was even willing to go and punch Ares in the face. "I'm sure he is just confused how can he be in love with a wannabe Kendall Jenner?" Layla asks I then look at her and say," The heart wants what it wants". She looks like she wants to cry too she then says," Well his heart must be full of shit then." I just can't believe how a day can change so quickly from happy to sad.

Later that night I see Kylie trying to sneak Ares into her room but he catches me in the hall and says, "Thanks for being a good friend gummy bear it means a lot to me" I decided to say, "I'm happy for you Ares" and then I walk away to the guest room knowing what I'm going to hear upstairs now as our rooms are close. I fall asleep wishing I was with my papa.


Hey, guys so this is the first chapter as you can see she is dealing with unrequited love.😢

I promise the book will get better from now onwards this is just the first chapter.

Do leave comments please🙏

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