Chapter 23: Layla's wedding

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Two months later

I am here standing next to Layla as she is crying as it's her wedding day, of course, she would be crying.

"Remember when were kids we used to say we would marry our prince charmings one day?" Layla asks, and I nod, feeling tears pour down my face

"Mhm and guess what we found our prince charming," she says

"We did," I say, helping her with her shoes

"I still remember how you used to say you going to marry Ares and look who you are ended up with the Antonio Russo," she says, and I stop what I'm doing and stare at her

"Mhm, but it's fate. I guess Antonio was my first love. Anyway, he is the one I shared my first kiss with," I say, and Layla laughs but turns serious quickly

"My brother did love you. Your guys were just the right person wrong time," Layla says

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask her as she knows I am happy with Tonio.

Layla looks at me a holds my hand," Trust me I am happy for you Rhea but a part of me still wanted my brother and you to work out but again he is responsible for his actions. I just wanted you to know he loves you. I met him a few days ago, and let me tell you, I think he is suffering from depression," Layla says

A part of me does feel sad for him as I'm human, and I wouldn't like to be the cause of someone's suffering, but another part of me feels like he deserves it. I'm so conflicted

"He made his decisions, Layla, and the result of his actions caused him to lose me," I say, and she nods, understanding

"I understand. I just want him to go back to the old Ares, you know," she says

"I understand, and if it makes you feel better, I will talk to him," I say, and she hugs me

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. You don't know how you just made my wedding day better," she says, and I give her a smile

"It's fine considering I will be walking with him as I'm your maid of honor and Ares is he is the best man," I say, and her smile falls away

"Yeah, about that. I'm sorry you would have to walk with him but you know Nick and him are best friends," she says, and I understand, considering I would also want my best friend to be my bridesmaid and so would the groom so I'm not going to be petty about it.

I also made sure Antonio knew about Ares and me walking down he was a bit mad, but he understood, saying he would try to contain himself and after that conversation we made love.


It's time for me to go and stand by Ares so I brace myself.

I walk towards him, "Hey," I say and he looks at me up and down

"You look beautiful as always," he says complimenting me as I'm wearing a beautiful mint green gown that hugs my body that Layla so badly wanted for her wedding bridesmaids

"Thanks," I say giving him a slight smile and he offers me his arm which I hook my arm in his

Music starts playing well we walk and I can feel people staring at me making me feel uncomfortable

We finally arrive and we break apart I go to the other side and he goes to Nick's side. Nick winks at me making me laugh he still has that funny personality.

The song "Right here waiting for you" starts playing and I see my beautiful friend Layla walking down the aisle and she looks gorgeous. I look to see Nick smiling but with tears in his eyes as he looks at Layla and he can't seem to take his eyes off of her it's like his world stopped

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