Chapter 8: Morning Breath

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I wake up with someone lying on my chest and i wonder who it is as Jasper would never do that or else he knows he will get a smack from me. I then look to see who is lying on my chest and see Antonio beautiful soft brownish hair which i put my fingers through. I realise i slept over here for the night.

I smile thinking about yesterday as yesterday was the best day i ever had in a long time. I feel happy with my life so far as i feel like I'm doing something right with my life and for once I don't regret it.

I play with Antonio's hair as he slighty snores and i smile on how he is so cute when he is asleep as he reminds me of a baby.

"Mhm" he hums as i lay a kiss on his head and i chuckle knowing this fool is awake, i then kiss both of his cheeks and i hear him mumble in his sleepy voice.

"Now kiss my lips" he says still with his eyes closed and i laugh on how sweet he is.

I really would like to kiss him but again morning breath,"I can't kiss you i have morning breath Antonio." i say and he groans and opens his eyes.

"I don't care Colomba," he says and pulls me down for a kiss and i blush.

"What would of happened if my breath tasted like shit?" i ask Antonio as i pull away from the kiss.

He chuckles and says,"I would still not care."

"You weird." i say kissing his nose.

He looks at me offended,"If I'm weird what are you?" he asks

"Beautiful." i say and he smirks playing with my hair.

"That you are my Colomba," he says and i kiss him again on the lips this time slowly.

I then decide to get up the same with Antonio as i open up the sliding doors and inhale the air it's so refreshing to wake up to this

Antonio then comes with two cup of cofee's and passes one to me in which i gladly take.

"I know you never swam in a long time but what made you want to buy a house by the beach?"  i  ask.

Antonio looks at me for a bit but turns his gaze to the ocean as he stares at the waves,"Ever since the accident i never liked the water and i still don't but somehow the beach has always given me peace it's like my therapy it distracts me in ways humans can not," Antonio says and i must say i agree

I look at him and say,"I agree with you because it's true. I always used to prefer lakes until i realised lakes are to small to hold ones emotions and it just stays in one place it does not go away really it takes longer to go but with the the sea the current is stronger so it does not hold onto emotions that long as the water flows leading into another direction bringing new emotions to arise." i say thinking about it.

Antonio looks at me for a well,"You have a weird way of looking at life."

I look at him and shrug,"Yep i have a weird way of looking at life because life would be to dull if we would take everything literally and seriously." i say

"You right" he says and i nod as I agree with myself on that

We talk for a while until Antonio's housekeeper interrupts saying,"Ms. Naidoo your clothes are dry cleaned for you and it's neatly folded in the spare room." I then give quick thankyou

I  leave Antonio to go freshen up. Once I'm done showering and brushing my teeth i go downstairs just to see Antonio freshly dressed with his hair wet ugh why is this man so hot.

"Colomba let's go for breakfast," he says and gives me a jacket of his in which i gladly take and puts on his other jacket.

"You know I'm getting pretty use to your demanding personality" i say and i look a him to see his mouth twitches.

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