Chapter 7: he likes me

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I look at Antonio weirdly can't believe the fact that he likes me.

"Into me?" I ask looking at him strangely

He looks at me like he is nervous for the first time, "Mhm the first time I saw you on that beach and the moment I bumped into you again you could say that I was interested in you, and the more time I spend with you I am falling for you." he says

"Is there something wrong with you?" I ask because I know for a fact I'm no one's first choice.

"Why would there be something wrong with me?"  he asks looking confused at me

"Because I'm no one's first choice I was never my mom's and not Ares's first so I don't think I will ever be anyone's first not even yours. You're too good for me and I'm just Rhea the girl who was never meant to be loved," I say as I feel tears fall from my eyes.

Antonio comes towards me and cups my face rubbing the tears away from my eyes, "Rhea you should not even be a choice in the first place," he says kissing my leftover tears away, "The others that did not choose you in the first place made the wrong choice because I know for a fact that you would of be my first choice."

I look at him in shock, "So you do like me?" I ask.

"Mhm" he hums and I laugh

"Why me?" I ask looking at him

"Why not you? the thing is Rhea you are beautiful not just on the outside but on the inside and that's what makes you special. You are rare my Colomba," he says looking at me and I can tell what he is saying is the truth.

I look at him for a well as he does things to me, no one has ever had that effect on me

"You my stalker are one of a kind i don't think I deserve you. I feel like this is all a dream because Antonio Russo I like you too," I say and I can see a smile lighten up on his face.

The moment Antonio Russo spoke to me on that beach he did not leave my mind. He was like he was a magnet and I'm metal he never once left my mind since that day. A year and six months went by and I ran into him again and that's when you can say the butterflies started to come and you can say I started to feel happy as I am happy sitting here. He makes me feel alive and that's one of the reasons why I like him.

Antonio moves his face towards mine so that we are an inch apart and he whispers that I can feel his hot breath on my lips, "Can I kiss you?" he asks

"Mhm" I hum and he puts his lips onto mine and kisses me slowly as I pull him into me. He then kisses me a bit harder and more intense that I even feel like I'm in a fairy tale.

This kiss is like no other it's different it's more like an electric spark that caused a fire as it's blazing. This kiss is the best kiss I ever had as it makes me crave more and I forever want to be held in this position.

We pull away from the kiss trying to catch our breath.

He looks at me and I look at him both breathless from the kiss. This man has no idea what he is doing to me that I even pull him in for another kiss and this time I initiate it as we kiss each other aggressively.

Once we pull away Antonio chuckles and says, "I just said I like you and you already can't get enough of me Colomba i wonder how it is going to be when I say I love you one day." 

I look at him with my mouth open wide, "How do you know you will ever love me?" I ask

He smiles, "I just know." he says and I hug him and he hugs me in return because I think I'm falling for Antonio Russo

"Okay enough with this dramatic shit I'm hungry which means you must be hungry," Antonio says in which I chuckle as he goes back to sauce and makes the doe.

In the meantime, I let Jasper know I won't be coming home because of the storm,m and let me tell you the man sent me so many messages wondering whose place I was staying at that I even had to put my phone down.

"Who are you getting annoyed with?" Antonio asks interrupting my thoughts well I sip my wine.

"Jasper," I say and I sigh

I look to see a frown on Antonio's face, "Who is this Jason?" he asks in a gruff voice that makes me laugh.

"He is that annoying friend I told you about but he is my one and only friend I can count on and that I can trust," I say as I think about how Jasper has always been there for me and never once complained about me.

"You must love him?" Antonio asks well he is kneading the dough and I can see his shoulders are tense.

"Yep I do, he is like the annoying brother I never had," I say and see Antonio's shoulders relax.

An hour later Antonio served us food which was garlic bread, chicken fillet with mushroom sauce, and cheddar salad. He then fills my glass with some of the wine.

We both dig in the food and I moan in delight and look across to see Antonio smirking at me

"Delicious is it?" he asks me, to which I hand gesture saying yes as my mouth is too full and he laughs.

Once I'm done eating I say, "You know if you ever lose your business I might hire you as my chef."

Antonio looks at me with an amused look on his face as he puts the dishes in the dishwasher," So that would mean I will have two jobs one as your stalker and the other as your chef, my Colomba you are a full-time job." Antonio says

"You are my Stalker chef," I say in which Antonio laughs and comes and kisses my head.

"Mhm my Colomba anything you want," he says and lifts me off my chair and puts me on the couch.

"So what are we going to do now?" I ask him as he pulls out a part of the couch that connects to the original couch and I realize it's a sleeper couch.

"We going to watch a movie so decide on a movie," he says as makes popcorn and warms us with hot chocolate probably because it's raining.

Antonio comes with the snacks and I see he puts cream with marshmallows on the coco and I smile because of how cute he is.

He plops down next to me and looks at the TV.

"So we watching the lion king?" he asks and I nod.

"I never seen the movie," he mutters.

"But you have seen Sofia the first," I say laughing and thinking about it.

"Funny," he says looking at me with a serious look and I laugh at him.

I then start the movie and we both watch the movie. I now and then catch Antonio looking at me which makes me blush.

I catch Antonio eating something with which I'm very familiar too, "You also eat sneakers?" I ask

"Mhm," he hums and goes back to the movie as I take a sneaker for me.

We finally are done with the movie but Antonio insists we watch part two because he enjoyed the movie.

"Mufasa deserved better but scar too" Antonio mumbles

"Why Scar?" I ask him.

He looks at me and shrugs, "I guess I think he was just misunderstood you know like he just felt less important than his brother and his jealousy just got the best of him" Antonio says and I kinda agree with him but still team Mufasa.

We then move on to the second movie and I feel myself start to drift off to sleep thinking about Antonio and the light he brought into my life again as he brought a new hope that I will look forward to experiencing every day. I feel a kiss on my forehead as sleep peacefully tonight


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I wonder how Ares is doing🤔

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