Another's Truly : Chapter 1

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One year and six months later

"Okay, is it just me, or are you acting weird?" Jasper asks.

"How weird?" I ask him, furrowing my eyebrows

"Like stealing donuts weird," he says, munching on his lays.

"Dude, shut up. I got to focus," I say as I look for more wedding venues for my work.

"Honestly, you're being so rude to me now," Jasper says, which makes me chuckle."Considering all that I did for you like fourteen months ago, I packed up and moved with you to Zealand, and here we are, mate talking," he says, making me chuckle.

"Oh, and whose fault is that I did not tell you to move with me here I particularly remember it was you who begged me if you could come," I say making him stick his tongue out at me.

"Yeah, but I needed my best friend in my life and the love of my life," Jasper says,
talking about Blair.

Blair and Jasper are officially a couple, and I couldn't be happier for them as Jasper deserves happiness

"Yep, Blair walked you like a dog to New Zealand," I, say, which narrows his eyes, making me want to laugh.

"Yeah, whatever," Jasper says. "Also, when are you going to settle down?" Jasper asks me, and my mind drifts off to Ares, and how he made a negative impact on my life.

I still remember Ares's post saying they married it hurt me eighteen months ago but now I feel nothing when I Hear that name all I hear is disgust with the choices that I made with my life back then.

If I'm being honest I went back into depression during that time but Jasper made sure I was enrolled in therapy and ever since I started taking therapy I feel better and much better to the point I forgive Ares but that does not mean I will forget.

The reason why I forgave him for his wrong doings is because why must I hold onto a past that will affect my future? i deserve much more than that. Layla and I are still besties she was worried about me, but I made sure I was fine. Now that I think about it, I ruined my self-respect for a low standard that was not worth it. Jasper still teases me now and then about it. Even though I forgave Ares mentally in my brain, I will never let him take a part of me again, meaning my self-respect.

"I don't know," I say. " I guess I just haven't found the right one for me yet," I tell Jasper.

"Don't allow just anyone in your heart,"

The mysterious man's words still linger in my head to  this day

"You find him and trust me when I say this, he will love you more than anything," Jasper says, and I smile world.

Blair then comes in running with a panicked expression on her face, "Rhea, Erica Russo arrived with her soon-to-be husband Edward Franco," she says, looking at me with stress on her face.

"Relax darling let's go get a bagel and a cup of coffee after you bring in who's ever named you called," Jasper says kissing her on the corners of the lips, and Blair blushes.

"Bring them in, and please take Jasper out and keep him out he is distracting me," I say.


"So the wedding you want is in summer am I right?" I ask Erica

"Yes, it's more of a Hawaiian-theme wedding, you know," Erica says sweetly, and I smile.

The moment Erica walked in, I could tell she was an amazing person she is a beautiful blonde and has hazel eyes. Her eyes remind me of the mystery man I met years ago.

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