Chapter 24: Happy life

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One year later

"Jasper donuts or cake?" I ask him, and he gives me a look, meaning he doesn't like my question

"You can't ask a person that is a foodie that question, shame on you, Rhea, and here I thought we were best friends," Jasper says, walking Milo his husky. Well, I walk Rosco and Truffle. Jasper phoned me and asked me if I wanted to go for a walk on the beach this morning I, of course, agreed

"Fine, I will choose your donuts," I say, and he smiles, looking at me

"You know me so well," he says, and I give him a sly look

"I always will," I say, being cocky and he flips me the finger

"How are you and Antonio?" Jasper asks me, I grin thinking about this morning

"You guys fucked this morning too!" Jasper shouts so loud that I have to run and cover his mouth as people look at him

Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing I want to go cry on my birthday.

"You horny bitches but girl get it I guess," Jasper says making me push his shoulder which he does the same making me fall backward well I pull him down with me and we both burst out laughing Well people give us weird glances making us laugh even more

"I think now that you're twenty-eight it made you stronger," he says and I shake my head at his foolishness

"So what did your man do for your birthday?" Jasper asks

"Um he said he wants to surprise me tonight," I say, and Jasper smirks

"Of course he does," Jasper says making me narrow my eyes at him

"Do you know something I don't know?" I ask him

Jasper smirks, "Nothing don't worry," he says and I groan he makes me want to punch him sometimes because he is not direct.


I am currently working designing a wedding for one of Hollywood's actresses and I must say this wedding was a bit difficult to do the color theme was grey so it was a bit difficult to find things that would help with this wedding but anyway, it worked.

I decided to go home early as I was tired and could use a good nap.

I quickly jump into bed and see lots of messages popping up on the phone everyone is wishing me happy birthday. I even got one from Ares


I just want to say may you always be happy and never be sad. I hope you have a good birthday and Antonio and the family make it special for you.

Nothing but love from Ares.

I smile messaging him a thank you. After that night of Layla's wedding, Ares stayed true to his word and never bothered me again. Antonio gave Ares his CEO position again after my request if he could keep it. After Layla and Nick's wedding Ares left California and went to start his life afresh with his daughter and has become a workaholic from what Layla told me. I truly do wish he finds happiness

I put my phone away and feel myself falling asleep. A few hours pass and I wake up feeling someone tickling my face with a feather and open my eyelids and I stare into familiar hazel eyes.

"My Colomba," he whispers and I smile looking at Antonio my Tonio the man who is the reason why I smile every day

"Why did you wake me up?" I ask pouting and he chuckles kissing my head

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