Chapter Sixty-Four *Smut*

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Maybe it was the way his eyes glowed in the light or how he had this softness in his voice when he spoke. It was amazing. I couldn't help but kiss him. It's not because Dean left or the loneliness. I've been wanting this for so long.

He didn't argue when I pushed my lips up against his. He looked shocked. "Wait, what?" He asked a minute after. I ignored him and started kissing his neck. "I thought you wanted to just be friends?" He asks.

"I changed my mind." I whispered softly into his ear. He took charge and pulled me into his lap, kissing my lips from above.

My body tensed up as his finger tips crossed over my chest. "Relax." He whispered, pressing a kiss on my forehead. He then pulled my shirt over my head leaving me half naked. His eyes trailed from my eyes to my breasts, he started to take off his shirt.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. His breathing got heavy as it progressed. "Are you sure about this?" He asked as he pulled open his nightstand drawer for a condom. I nodded silently.

I unbuttoned his pants and slid it off with his underwear. I took the condom from him, unwrapping it carefully, then sliding it onto his length. He was already hard. Once it was on, he picked me up and laid me down on my back.

He unbuttoned my pants and slid it down my legs. He continued to kiss me again until he finally built his courage up to un-clasp my bra. He was staring into my eyes, I could tell he was trying not to look.

I laid down on my back and pulled him on top of me. He gave me a little smirk and ripped my underwear off of me.

He grabbed my hips as he pushed his wide dick into me. He roared once he began to thrust in and out. I wrapped my hands around his back, searching for something to grasp onto. He moved his hands from my hips to the side of my shoulders. I bucked my hips, wanting more. I moan out once he gets a good rhythm going. "Holy.. Fuck.." I whine as I reach my climax.

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