Chapter ninety

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"Penis into vagina." I shrugged. "Boom, baby is made."

She gave a 'are you serious' look. "Alex, I'm serious!"

"Things just happen." I whine. "Protection failed me."

"I knew I should've put you on birth control." She rubbed her eyes.

I didn't say anything. "Mom, no. I'm not having sex. Don't talk about it." She tried to mimic me.

"I don't talk like that." I crossed my arms.

She continued to rant on and on about how I'm irresponsible and all the other shit. We basically already went over it over the phone so it wasn't that bad. There's nothing I can do about it now.


The next morning, I went downstairs to get food. Mark was sitting on one of the bar stools in the kitchen.

"Morning." I sighed.

"Oh, good morning." He smiled.

I grabbed an apple and left the kitchen, taking it to my room. I felt a lot safer with my mom back in the house, less lonely.

I got ready and went back downstairs to talk to my mom.

"Hi." I greeted her.

"Good, you're dressed." She smiled.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You're coming to lunch with us." She didn't give me a choice.

"No." I crossed my arms.

"I'm going to assume you said no because of the hormones." Her voice got stern. "Would you like to rethink your answer?"

I rolled my eyes and walked off.

"Get in the car." She commanded.

I did as she said and got into the car. My mom let Mark drive us. I don't know what she's thinking, does she care that he's a complete stranger to me? I mean he seems decent, but still.

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