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I watched as she skated on the ice. She looked so mad, like something was bothering her, I cleared my throat and she spun and looked at me. She skated over and stepped off the ice. She walked up to me and smirked, "Didn't think you would show" she said looking me up and down. "Well I did so go change so we can start," is aid quickly. "Oh yes ma'am," she said sarcastically.

 I rolled my eyes and sat on the bench stripping off my jacket till I was in leggings and a workout tank top. I sat on the bench and put my skates on. I was scared. I heard a commotion behind me and turned around and immediately wished I hadn't. Stella walked out wearing low sweatpants that exposed her V-Line, which was very defined. My eyes slowly raked up her body and stopped on her abdomen. Her abs were piercing through the compression shirt begging to be shown "Take a picture, it lasts longer" Stella said laughing. I looked away blushing muttering curse words under my breath. 

She hopped on the ice and did a few laps. I stood at the door frozen in place. That night replayed in my mind a million times. I didn't realize that Stella was in front of me looking at me sympathetically. I didn't want her sympathy id dint want her help. I just wanted to skate but I was scared. "Do you remember eighth grade?" Stella asked. I nodded and she continued, "I broke my radius and ulna crashing into the ice. I couldn't play for the rest of the year, but when It healed and I was back on the ice I was afraid. I couldn't hold the stick right and I fucking sucked." "So?" I said. She looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I sucked but I got back on that ice." I opened my mouth again but stopped when she held out her hand. I started at it like it was on fire. I reluctantly grabbed it and she pulled me softly onto the ice. I stumbled into her and fell against her body. She smelled like vanilla and coconut. She supported my weight and then pushed me slightly so I was standing on both my legs.

 I looked down. I did it I was on the ice. I heard her groan and she said, "Look I'm real happy for you but you're squeezing the life out of my hand." I immediately let go but then slipped and it flew like time was preparing itself until I felt a rough hand grab my waist and pull me close. "I got you, don't go slipping on me," she said looking at me. I looked in her eyes and something changed in me. I didn't know what it was yet and I didn't know what the hell I was getting into. 

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