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Triple Update!!! Also, this one is kinda long...but worth it.


 "That is not normal," I laughed out. Isabel rolled her eyes and did some sort of jump while sticking out her tongue. I laughed again wiping my eyes. It had been a few weeks since me and Isabel had our "moment" and we had been closer than ever. I was still my usual self being funny and making jokes at bad times but I wasn't being a asshole anymore. Our practices resumed to some normal. Now that I had practice almost every day I wasn't leaving school until 8 pm. I watched Isabel as she did one of her routines. She was already getting better, almost ready to start competing again. 

"SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, there's this party on Friday and Chloe wants me to go but I wanted to know if you wanted to go?" Isabel said as she skated towards me. "Noah Jenkin's party?" Yeah...I mean I was gonna go anyways because Casey asked me to," I trailed. She blushed and looked at the floor, "yeah I didn't mean like go together but like just wanted to know if you're going," she stumbled out. I smiled, "yeah, I'll see you there," I responded. She smiled back. She continued skating for another thirty minutes. Once she was done we walked out to the lot. I walked her to her car and waited until she was in it fully. "Bye Iz," I said while stuffing my hands in my pocket. She turned and smiled, "bye Stell, she replied. I watched as she drove off feeling my cheeks heat up. "Holy shit," I whispered to myself. 

The rest of the week was uneventful. I would go to school, practice with my team, practice with Isabel, go home, and repeat. It was now Friday and I was waiting for school to end. My teacher droned on about the homework but clearly wasn't trying hard enough because no one was focused on what he was saying. The bell finally rang and I practically ran out of my seat. I met Casey in the lot and she was waiting by my car. "Hop in bitch," I said smiling. She got in and we sped up out of the lot blasting music.

"That's sparkly," I said eyeing Casey's top. I was lying on her floor helping her decide what to wear to this party. She was trying to impress some guy she was meeting up at the party and didn't know what to wear. "Okay, I don't know why I asked you for clothes advice," she said looking in the mirror. I laughed out and she threw a pillow at my face. "Why don't you get ready, unless you're planning on dressing like a bum," Casey said with her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag. I had a few options an all-black sweatsuit, a wife beater with baggy black jeans, or and tight black shirt and sweatpants. I decided to go with the wife beater and jeans because it was gonna be hot in the house and I didn't wanna sweat.

 I walked out and Casey ran up to me. "So cute but this shirt is a no," she said fiddling with my top. I swatted her hands away, "What I think I look good," I said pouting. She laughed and turned back to me but this time with sicors. Before I could react she cut right under where my bra ended. "What the fuck Casey!" I yelled out. "Calm down Stella, I just made you look ten times better," she said with her back towards me looking in her bathroom mirror. I walked to her body-length mirror and looked at what she had done. the shirt was now exposing my abs and the v-line into my jeans. I sighed and sat on the floor scrolling through my phone until Casey was ready to go. before we left she pulled out a bottle of Titos and we took several shots. We were passed tipsy but not drunk. I called the Uber and headed to the party.

When we arrived, the party was already in full swing. As I walked in I saw practically every girl's eyes drop to my stomach and look hungrily. I wasn't a stranger to the way girls looked. I never really cared, especially when I had a girlfriend because I was all about her, but now that I was single I might just start to care. Casey had found her guy for the night which left be alone. I grabbed a beer and walked around. I saw a few hockey girls and chatted with them for a bit. One room I walked into was full of people doing shots and so I joined them. I set the new record of 17 shots in one sitting. I stumbled out of the room looking for a bathroom. I bumped into someone and they spilled their drink on my stomach. "Fuck! I'm so sorry," the person said. When they looked up at me I was met with blue eyes. Isabel. Her face softened and I took her in. Her pupils were large and her cheeks were red from the alcohol. She had on a white crop top and hot pink shorts. "It's all good," I replied slowly. She nodded vigorously. I was about to say something more when someone called out her name and she ran off. I shook my head and went to find the bathroom.

I was beyond drunk now. I had vowed to stop drinking so I could be sober enough to call the Uber. I walked around until I heard a commotion coming from the kitchen. I walked in and saw a girl lying on the counter doing body shots. I laughed out and joined the onlookers cheering when I could. "Aye, Stella your turn," someone called out. I tried to shake my head but somehow ended up on the table. "Alright who wants to do them off Stella," some boy called out. I saw so many people jump to try and be picked. "," the boy called. I shut my eyes. I was hoping if I didn't look at the person I would be okay. I felt them place salt on my neck and I waited for the lime. 

"Open your mouth,"  a soft voice said in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Isabel looking at me with low eyes. I slowly opened my mouth and she placed the lime there. She backed away and then placed the shot on my stomach. I clenched when I felt her place and hand on my abdomen to take the shot with her mouth. She pinched her face and quickly moved to my neck where she licked up the salt. Her tongue met my neck and My entire body was ignited. She licked up my neck and it felt like she was dragging fire on my neck. She then put her hands on my arms and reached for the lime. I was going to pass out right there. Her lips wrapped around the lime and I made the mistake of opening my eyes. She was staring right at me with low, hooded eyes. She stepped back and wiped her mouth. I saw the guys going insane jumping all around but I couldn't hear them. I was frozen in my space looking at her. She bit her lip and walked off. I wanted to follow but I was frozen in my spot. I was in so much fucking trouble. 

AN: Yall this one in 1260 words holyyyy! The story is about to pick up very quickly. AH I'm so excited 

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