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Lunch could not come quickly enough. All day I was thinking about seeing her. She had quickly infiltrated my thoughts making me restless. "Calm down," Casey said giving me a word look. I gave a sheepish smile, "Sorry, I just really need to go the library and work on a project," I said. She nodded with her eyes quinted but shrugged her shoulder and turned around. The bell rang and I immediately fell out of my chair. I entered the drama room and shut the door. I was about to call out her name when I felt two hands on my shoulders pushing me against the door. I saw her face and her ice blue eyes were staring right at my lips. I leaned in and so did she bit our lips barely touched. It was like a waiting game for who would break first. I was breathing heavily and then she bit her lip. "Fuck it," I muttered as I connected our lips.

 She immediately kissed me back wrapping her hands around my neck. My hands found a place on her hips. She opened her mouth and I slid my tongue in. I felt her sigh in my mouth and grasp my neck tighter. As we kissed one of my hands traveled to her ass and squeezed it. She froze and I watched as she quivered. "Do it again," she said. I smiled and resumed kissing her while now having both hands planted on her ass. I squeezed it and she moaned into my mouth while moving her hands in my hair. I took this opportunity to flip us and push her up against the door. Her hands were at the base of my shirt and I shivered as she placed them on my abdomen. She ran one fingeralong my abs tracing them like they were a map. I felt her fingers trickle down to my waist where my pants and underwear met and I breathed out, "Your hands are cold." She smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry, maybe you can warm them up?" I nodded pulled her hand from my waist on brought it up to my mouth. I kissed it lightly and examined it. She had small skinny fingers. her nails were painted white and she had a few small rings on them. I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling me in. "I love your hair," she whispered into my shoulder.

I snorted, "really because it's like a curly mess up here," I said pointing to my head. She scowled, "Yes, I like it, don't talk bad about it," she lectured. I put my hands up and slowly walked backward till I found a couch and sat on it. She followed at sat right next to me. Her jean-clad thigh was pressing against mine and I could smell her shampoo. I put on a movie and I tried but I couldn't keep myself from looking at her. her skin seemed to glow whenever it hit the light and she had some sun freckles on the bridge of her nose. She had long lashes that tickled her face each time she would blink. My eyes lowered down and saw the swell of breasts she had. I wasn't trying to be creepy, but she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"Stop staring at me," she said blushing. I looked away and my face turned the color of a tomato. She laughed and pulled me closer to her. "We can't practice anymore," she said defeated. I could feel my blood starting to rise but settle when she placed her hand on my neck. "My new partner, we have a lot to work on," she said looking at me. I nodded and she smiled leaning in to kiss my cheek. We sat in silence for the rest of lunch knowing our time would be cut soon. "After school and practice on Thursday, do you wanna come over?" I asked. She looked at me like a deer in headlights. "My mom won't be there and my brothers will but they never leave the room. I just have to babysit them even though they're 14," I said trying to calm her down. She opened her mouth and said, "Yeah I would love that." I smiled and practically threw my body on hers. She laughed and pleaded for me to stop but I didn't and we somehow ended up with me on my back and her straddling my waist. "I could get used to this position," I breathed. She rolled her eyes and replied, "I'm sure you freak." I wore a shocked look and pushed myself up so now her legs were behind my back and we were face to face. I leaned to her ear and whispered, "I'm sure there are a lot of positions you would like too huh?" I felt her gasp and then I kissed her neck. The bell rang at an untimely moment and she jumped up quickly to grab her bag and run off. I laughed and pulled out my phone.

Stella: okay run away

Isabel: the bell rang 

Stella: so?

Isabel: I needed to get out because if you keep kissing me like that I was going to need new underwear

I looked at my phone my face reddening. Who was this girl? The rest of the day seemed to drag on. When it was practice time I was excited. Hockey was my everything. Today our coach said we were scrimmaging to get ready for Friday's game. I loved to scrimmage. Once I stepped on that ice I became a different person. When I heard the buzz of the timer I raced off. I had the puck in between my puck and saw two of my teammates coming at me. If it was a normal game I would have lowered my shoulder and watched them collide with one another. However, these were my teammates so I swapped my hands and lowered myself to maneuver through the. Once I did I had a clear shot of the goal I took and scored. The scrimmage went on for another 45 minutes with the final score being 3-2 my team winning. We all cheered and the coach gave us a speech about how we are performing at our best. As I walked off the ice I saw a woman standing there. She called my name and I walked over. She had on a University of Connecticut jacket. "Hello," I said sticking my hand out. She took it and said, "Hello, I'm Ashley Biggs from The University of Connecticut recruitment office." I froze and my eyes became the eyes of saucers. She laughed and spoke again, "We would like to offer you a scholarship here." I didn't know what to say but I did reply, "Oh my god. Thank you so much for this. Oh my god!" She laughed again and gave me her card so we could keep in contact. When I returned to the locker room my teammate dumped me in Gatorade congratulating me. I felt like I was on top of the world. 

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