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I stepped out of Stella's shower to find her sitting at her desk fiddling around. I threw on one of her hockey shirts and walked up behind her. I placed my hand on her shoulder which she ideally tensed up. I moved my mouth to kiss her temple and run my hands through her curly hair. "What's wrong," I asked softly my head already knowing the answer deep inside. She shook her head and I asked her again. 'I can't keep doing this Iz," she said looking at her hands. "I can't keep pretending that I don't feel the way I do for you. I get that you're not out and I will still wait but this is so hard. I don't know if it wasn't a problem before but im...im falling in love with you and I just think we should maybe take some space" she said barely audible. She was falling for me? I took a step back removing my hand from her hair. She stood up. "I don't understand, I thought everything was fine. You said it was fine?" I questioned feeling my face get hot. "It is fine but Isabel I can barely control myself near you. Every time you come near me I have to pinch myself from not coming to touch you. I'm okay with waiting but you're intoxicating and I don't wanna out you so I need to work on controlling how I feel about you" she said finally looking at me. 

I sighed, "So you're not breaking up with me?' I asked softly. She came and grabbed my face and said, "No, I'm just asking that we make space for both of us." I nodded and began packing my things before I felt her grab my hand and pull me to her. I started into her eyes blue meeting green for what felt like the longest time. She moved her lips to mine and kissed me deeply. I returned it by pulling her body against mine before remembering something. "This means no sex right?" I asked. Her eyes bugged out, "Uhh" she trailed along. "Hmm you want space from me that means no sex," I said looking at her. She blushed, "yeah you're right," she said. I laughed, "And why is that?" I asked not expecting her next answer. "Because... I need to control myself because every time I see you I want to fuck the shit out of you" she said smiling. I pushed her shoulder and she laughed more. It got quiet and I knew I should go now. "I'll see you around yeah?" I asked. She nodded pulling me into a hug before letting go. I walked out of the house and into my car. As I drove I thought, "Holy fucking shit, she's falling for me...and I'm falling for her too."

1 week later

It had been one week since Stella and I decided to go on "a break" and I won't lie it has been incredibly hard. We never really saw each other before but now it was different because we were trying to see each other. However,  now that our friend groups combined that was when I saw her the most. She looked so fucking good. She and her hockey team were in the best shape of their lives and I won't lie I missed seeing those abs and v-line. "Isabel," Chhloe shouted. I shook my head "Huh what's going on?" I asked removing images of Stella from my brain. Chloe rolled her eyes and said, "I asked how your mystery lover is, we haven't seen some hickies in a while." I rolled my eyes and caught Casey's eye. She quickly looked away and I sighed, "umm were on a break right now," I said. everyone questioned why and I replied, "We just needed some space from each other, kinda a sex break."

 Everyone gasped and began talking excitedly. Stella and Megan weren't here today because they had something to do for hockey so I felt more inclined to speak freely. "You know what they say right?" Chloe asked. I shook my head and she continued, "abstinence makes the sex grow hotter." I quirked my head and everyone nodded in agreement. "Oh, it's true. Once me and my boyfriend didn't speak or have sex for a week and I swear we fucked for like 4 hours that night," Casey said. I nodded becoming a little scared. I could tell Stella was holding back on me and I wished she didn't but maybe I was finally getting my wish. "OHH you should invite him to Stella's Halloween party next week, that would definitively have y'all bumping uglies again," Chloe said. I shrugged and they eventually wore me down. "Maybe okay," I said my voice pinched. They all took the hint as I stood up and walked out of the lunch room. I walked until I was in the hockey rink where I found the entire hockey team wearing black compression shirts and black sweats. "OOO Isabel come here real quick," Stacey a girl on the team asked. "can you take these of Stella, she's in a mood and you are the only person who can put her in her place" she rambled on. I nodded and walked to the area where the photos were being taken. I saw wild curly hair and tapped on the shoulder. "Ready for your photo shoot?"

Stella put on her uniform and posed. She looked pissed and tired. "What's up your butt?" I asked as I moved her hair out of her face. "I'm fine" she grumbled. Stacey came up to me and patted me on the back, "Don't take it personally Iz she's just this way cuz she hasn't had sex in a week. Her secret girlfriend and her arent fucking right now and It's making Stel tweak" Stacey said teasing Stella. Stella flipped her off and she walked away. I turned my head back to Stella. "Is that so?" I said under my breath. I decided to fuck with Stella knowing she couldn't do anything about it. I purposefully dropped my bag on the floor and went I went down to pick it up I rubbed my ass right on Stella's front. "I looked behind my shoulder seeing her eyes darken into a dark forest, "my bad," I said fluttering my eyelashes. Her jaw clenched as she pushed me off. She grumbled something to her teammates and walked out. I followed suit as she entered the bathroom. As I did my back was pressed against the door and I heard the door lock. 

Her hands were on both sides of my head as she looked down at me. Her eyes were so dark I could no longer see her pupils. "You wanna play Izzy, fine let's play," she said right in my ear. her hot breath fanned over my face and I immediately shut my eyes as her mouth slowly kissed up my pulse. I twisted only to have her hands grab mine and push them against the wall. She licked right where my collarbone began and I let out a slow moan. As if a switch had been flipped she grabbed me and placed me in front of her. My ass was pushed up on her which made my back instantly arch. She trailed a finger up my spine as I shivered. One hand traveled to in between my thighs drawing slow and sensual circles up them. My brain became clouded as my breath picked up as she got closer and closer to my center when she suddenly stopped. I turned around and saw her smirking. "See you later Isabel," she said and left the room.  I stood there fuming as she had just left me with the female version of blue balls. 

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