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As I walked into school everyone's eyes were on me. Before I could even ask Chloe and my friends practically drug me out of my car and into the girl's bathroom. Chloe smiled wickedly as she pushed my head to the side examining the hickeys I forgot to cover. "Who did this?" she asked excitedly as the rest of my friends buzzed excitedly. "No one," I said smirking. She let go of my head and gave me a stern look. "So you have been fucking with someone?" she asked squinting her eyes. I nodded and she smiled widely. Before she could say anything else the bell rang signaling it was the start of class. we all exited the bathroom and went our separate ways to class. As I was walking I saw Stella walking towards me. I couldn't help but move my body slightly so that when we passed each other her hand grazed mine. Just the little contact ignited flames in my body. I walked into class shaking any thoughts of me and Stella to my mind ready to focus.

Classes seemed to drag on until finally, the lunch bell rang. I got up from my seat and walked to the lunch room. When I walked in I was not expecting to see Casey, Stella, Megan, Chloe, Luke, Tyler, Peter, and Mark sitting together. As I walked up to the table everyone's heads turned and smiled at me.  I looked around for a spot to sit and noticed the only open spot was next to Stella. I sat downplaying my lunch on the table without so much from a nod from her. However, I felt her hand land right on my thigh easing my nerves. I had learned that Casey was dating Peter who was best friends with Tyler who was dating Chloe which made everyone somehow become friends. It was kinda nice sitting with more than just Chloe and our friends who we never saw outside of school events. It was also nice that I could sit so close to Stella without eyebrows being raised. I did notice how Megan smirked as I sat next to Stella and I laughed inside my head. Luke spoke up, "So Bowers it's almost Halloween. Your legendary party is still on right?" 

Since freshman year Stella had always thrown a Halloween party and they were legendary. I went once sophomore year and had never had so much fun. Everyone was now looking waiting for her answer. "Yes, the party is on," she said smiling. Everyone cheered and she continued speaking. "There will be a costume contest so dress your best and also I'm opening it up to the basement this year." Everyone buzzed about the party as they spread the word around the school. "We should be Disney princesses Iz," said Chloe. I nodded listening to her idea, "I'll be Ariel, Megan you be Snow White, and Iz you be Belle." I smiled nodding loving the idea. I pulled out my phone looking up yellow corsets. I felt a hand squeeze my thigh and shifted my eyes slightly to Stella. She was looking intently at my phone seeing the corset and I saw her eyes darkened. "Casey, you wanna do it with us too?" I asked ignoring Stella's growing horniness. She smiled and nodded as we all planned the outfits. The guys decided they were gonna be the princess to their princesses and I noticed I had no prince or rather I had princesses. "What are you gonna do? Chloe asked Stella. She was now standing packing her bag, "Uhh it's a surprise. Me and a few of the hockey girls have something planned. I'm sure all the single ladies will love it," she said winking. Everyone laughed as she walked off smiling. I sat there thinking what the hell was she going to be wearing? 

School still dragged on as It was finally time for practice. I walked into the rink half expecting the hockey team to still be practicing there when I was met with the hockey team. They were wrapping up the first part of practice and chattering amongst themselves. I walked around looking for Stella when I roughly ran into the back of someone. "Fuck I'm sorry," I said picking myself up off the floor. The person turned and of course, it was someone who was becoming my favorite person. Stella. She helped me off the floor holding onto my arm and waist. I looked around and saw no one was looking our way. My body relaxed slightly in her arms. "You okay?" she whispered. I nodded and removed myself from her arms. "Nico and I have our thingy tomorrow. Are you coming?" I asked. I was so used to my mom skipping out on these that I could hear the desperation in my voice when I asked her. She nodded and held my gaze proving she meant every word without even saying anything. 

AN: another filler lol

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