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Have you ever been so mad you wanted to cry? That's how I was feeling right about now. I stayed after practice to watch the end of Stella's hockey game where I saw her game-winning score. What I also saw was her talking to a beautiful blonde who was touching her. I saw Stella grab her and stare at her like she was gonna eat her right there on the floor. I stormed out the gym and practically sped home so I didn't choke on my vomit. when I got home I saw I had several missed texts from Stella but I couldn't talk to her. I had no reason to be mad, Stella was not my girlfriend but she was my something. I didn't know what Stella was to me but the way she touched me and made me laugh made me think I was special. I guess I wasn't, the rumors were true. Stella Bowers is a asshole

"Alice Cooper," I said to myself scrolling on Instagram. I saw she went to the local high school and played hockey. She was beyond gorgeous. She had sandy blonde hair and honey-brown eyes. I may have stocked her Instagram but rightfully so when I came across I picture that caught my eye. It was her at some beach looking tan and she was wrapped up in a very tall and recognizable body. Stella. She looked amazing. From her naturally pale skin which was now kissed by the sun. Her curly hair was up in a bun. She was wearing a too-small bikini top which I might have zoomed in on. Then I saw a heart on the screen. Fuck, I looked and saw that I had accidentally liked a VERY old post. I quickly unlike it before or as I hoped she wouldn't see it. I shut my phone off and placed it on my desk to go take a shower. When I returned I had a very interesting notification.

Alicec19: do u usually like pictures from a year ago or are you stalking me?

Izice: uhh no i was stalking...😭

Alicec19: haha i like the honesty

Alicec19: me or stell?

Izice: stella...

Alicec19: ohhh shit you're her


Alicec19: you're the girl whos got stella all jumbled up

Alice19: mannn you are lucky the stella i knew was not ready for anything close to whatever yall have

Izice: we're not together...

Alicec19: oh well you prob will be soon

Izice: how do you know stella

Alicec19: i prob shouldn't say anything but we just have history but i mean history like that book is over and burned

I closed my phone. It was weird. If this was Stella's ex that I was talking to I was in some deep shit now.

I woke up late the next morning. I practically was running to my first period when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark classroom. I yelped but not before they slapped their hand on my mouth. I shoved with all my might for them to let go but It was no use. I stopped fighting and then stepped back revealing their identity. It was Stella who was staring at me with a furrowed brow and a clenched jaw. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk off when she swiftly pushed me against a wall trapping me so I couldn't move. "Why are go ignoring me?" she questioned. I was shocked, I dared to ask."Who's Alice Cooper? Why do y'all have history?" I fired back.  She stepped back with a shocked look on her face but not before quickly recovering back to rage. "Fine, Alice is my sorta ex, she said running her hands through her hair. We fucked all junior year. Is that what you wanted to hear? How I fucked her? We're friends now. That's it," she spat with venom. My cheeks were warm with embarrassment. "Oh," was all I could squeak out. She scoffed and asked again, "Why were you ignoring me?" I huffed, "I was jealous because I thought you were seeing her," I replied. She took a step closer with a curious look. "I want it to be just me, no other girls," I whined She smiled and closed the gap between us. She leaned to my ear where I felt her hot breath tickle my skin. "It's only you Isabel."

I practically jumped in her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist where she quickly grabbed my ass and pulled me close. My lips smashed on hers and I slipped my tongue in her mouth. She bit my lip and pulled it with her teeth. She moved her mouth to my neck where she kissed in such places that I forgot my own name. Gaining some sense back I realized I was fifteen minutes late to my first class. "I...I have class Stel," I barely made out. She mumbled something against my skin and used her hands to explore my body. Her hands traveled from my ass to my thighs to my back and then back down to my ass. Was I about to risk it all and have sex in school? No, no, no. "Stella, stop," I said firmly but quivering slightly. She removed her lips from my neck and faced me with dark eyes. She placed me down and ran her hands down her face. "Stop teasing me with your ass," She grumbled. I laughed on leaned in, "Oh Stella I'm just getting started," I whispered and walked away. Her eyes were shut as she was trying to refrain herself. I chortled and dramatically bent down to pick up my backpack. "Don't act like I won't fuck you on this table right here," she said boldly. She laughed as my face colored with pure lust. She picked up her bag and slapped my ass as she walked out leaving me horny and very stunned.

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