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I woke up on time for the first time in my four years of high school. I showered and straightened my hair and curled the ends. I checked the weather and saw it was finally cold. I wore baggy denim jeans, a white long-sleeve shirt, my white moon boots, and my favorite coat. I put on lip gloss and mascara. I drove to school over an hour before school started. I pulled into the lot and Chloe entered my car as soon as the car was in park. "OOH bitch it's cold," she said pulling her coat closer. She looked at me closely, eyeing me up and down. Her eyes widened, "Oh who the hell are you dressing for?" she asked. "No one," I replied flipping my hair. Chole eyed me and began talking mindlessly but I didn't hear a word she said because I saw her.

She had on black baggy denim jeans, white Converse, a black hoodie, and a  dark green Carhartt jacket. She was laughing and taking pictures with her hockey girls. She looked so good all things considered. "Hello, Earth to Isabel," Chloe said waving her hands in front of my face. I turned to her pretending like I had been listening. She smiled, "Perfect so we're going to the mall after school!" I tried to think why we would need to go to the mall but the I remembered homecoming was in a few weeks. I looked at my phone and saw that class was starting in twenty minutes. I grabbed my stuff and walked with Chlose to class. I could feel that everyone's eyes were on me. Guys oogled and girls smiled nicely. I was a pretty girl, I just never put any effort. I didn't care about that stuff. I was putting my stuff in my locker when I felt someone behind me. I was expecting Stella but was met with Trent Parker. "Hey Iz," he said softly. Trent Parker is my ex-boyfriend. We dated on and off sophomore year and hooked up a few times during the summer. "Hey Trent," I replied dryly. He looked defeated and spoke, "Can I walk you to class?" I shrugged and began walking, and he followed behind me.

As we walked the halls Trent was talking and stumbling and I finally caught the end of his sentence, "....so will you go to homecoming with me, we did make that pact this summer" I froze trying to remember what I had promised. During our summer hook-up, we agreed that he would take me to homecoming so I could have a date, and then by prom if we weren't in a relationship with someone we would go together. I liked the plan but I had Stella. "Oh, Trent umm I'll have to think about it," I said holding eye contact. He nodded and held out his hand for a high-five. I returned it and he smiled. He turned and walked to his class. Trent was very attractive. He was 6'7 and had cropped sandy hair. He played hockey like everyone else did. Trent was special to me because he was the first guy I genuinely liked. Our relationship wasn't perfect but we were good for each other. I reminisced on my relationship as the bell rang and the teacher began lecturing. My phone buzzed and I checked it.

Stella: replacing me already?


Stella: trent parker

Isabel: we're just friends

Stella: friends that used to date and fuck?

Isabel: how do you know that?

Stella: we go to the same school. we have since we were five

Isabel: oh yeah...

Stella: soo

Stella: ...

Isabel: he asked me to homecoming 

Isabel: is that ok?

Stella: I mean no because you are my girlfriend but it is because I know you are not ready for all of that yet

Isabel: so I can go with him?

Stella: yes

Stella: as long as he keeps his hands off your ass

Isabel: how about we meet up at the afterparty and you can put your hands on my ass??

Stella: I love that idea

I smiled at my phone and paid attention to the lecture. Halfway through morning classes, I went to my locker which had a note on it. "Meet in drama room @ lunch" I smiled knowing exactly who wrote it. As soon as lunch approached I ran to the drama room and entered the classroom. Stella wasn't in there so I sat down at the table and scrolled through my phone. I heard the door open as she was standing there. She began talking rapidly "Sorry I had to change this bandage and then my nose was bleeding and-" I cut her off by connecting our lips. She kissed me back immediately placing her hands on my lower back. She moved her mouth to my neck and I sighed happily. She kissed and nibbled my neck while I moved my hands into her hair. "Don't leave a hickey," I moaned softly. She grunted and continued kissing but softer. Her hands traveled to my ass where she groped it. "Fuck I love your ass," She said against my neck. "I can tell, you are always grabbing it," I replied pulling her closer to my neck. I was getting antsy and I wanted more. "Okay you can leave a small hickey but please I need more," I said desperately. She smiled against my neck and kissed harder. I moaned as she hit my sweet spot, the same one she had discovered weeks ago. She sucked until her lips made a "pop" sound and she pulled away. 

We now sat on the couch just talking with one another. My back was against her side and I was playing with her hands. I learned a lot about her. She learned more about me. "Can I ask you something?" I said. She nodded and I sighed, "Why haven't you tried anything with me yet?" She turned to look at me, "Like sexually?" she asked. I nodded and she took a deep breath. "Well, we've only been doing this for a couple of months and I didn't wanna rush it," she said calmly. I looked at her. She was so different from what I had heard. She was kind and seemed to give a fuck. The bell rang bursting our little lunch bubble. She kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "But now that you're my girlfriend, I can't wait to fuck you."

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