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It was finally Friday evening, the day I had been waiting for for what felt like forever. I stood in front of my mirror removing the fifth shirt I had tried on in the last fifteen minutes. Stella said to wear something comfortable which in my mind meant sweatpants but I wanted to look cute. After changing three more times I finally landed on the perfect outfit. I wore dark blue denim bell bottoms, an olive-colored sweater that had white bows on the cuffs, white moon boots, and a white coat. I put on my make-up and styled my hair in a half-up half-down look. By the time I finished, I heard a horn showing Stella was there. 

As I entered the car I immediately pressed my lips against hers. She immediately kissed me back placing one of her hands on my thigh. I pulled away and looked at her with a goofy smile. She wore baggy black jeans, a light blue shirt with a white undershirt, and a black beanie. "Hey baby," she said looking at me. I smiled and pulled her back to my lips. "Okay...we need to stop or we're gonna be late," she laughed. I pulled away pouting but my smile took my face when I saw Stella laughing. She put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway.

I felt a soft hand shaking me awake. I groaned and opened my eyes. Stella was standing in front of me holding a few items in her hand. "fuck, I fell asleep," I said unbuckling my seatbelt. Stella locked the car and nodded. I looked around but couldn't decipher where the hell we were. About ten steps in front of me a gazebo that was decorated with fairy lights and had blankets and pillows spread on the floor. As we got closer I saw an assortment of foods and drinking. I turned and Stella was looking at me with an amused smile. "This is for me?" I questioned. She nodded walking towards me. "Yup, this is our date. Secluded but you know not in one of our rooms," she said. I Looked up at her. I knew it couldn't be easy. being with me, especially because I wasn't out and She was. I looked around and placed my hand on her cheek. I stood on my tippy toes and softly kissed her lips. "Thank you," I said. She smiled at me and guided us to our date.

"So, can I ask you something?" I said popping a grape in my mouth. Stella and I had eaten the amazing spread she had prepared for us and we had put on a movie and were cuddling. I turned so I could face Stella. She nodded and I countered, "So umm I was thinking I know we've been... active and I wanna make you feel good." Her face remained emotionless as she received what I said. She opened her mouth, "Oh I mean it's fine I guess," she replied looking into my eyes. "I mean you already make me feel good Iz. Everything about you makes me feel good," she said running a hand through my hair. I smiled and leaned over to kiss her when we were interrupted by a phone buzzing. Stella reached down and handed me my phone. It was Chloe. Chloe's boyfriend and fought a lot and apparently, they had a big fight and she needed me. I told her I would be there ASAP and everything was going to be okay. I got up hastily making Stella's face quirk. e need to go, Chloe needs me," I said. Without missing a beat Stella stood up and grabbed the items she had brought with us and headed to the car. 

On the drive to Chloe's, Stella said nothing. I could tell she was bothered because this was the first time in weeks we were both free. I grabbed her hand and laced our fingers together. I watched her shoulders fall and her jaw unclench. As we arrived at Chloe's I saw that she was standing outside. I pulled my hand from Stellas and kept it in my lap. As we pulled into the driveway I jumped out of the car and hugged Chloe. Her arms wrapped around my waist and I felt her face on my shoulder. We stayed like that for what felt like forever and when we pulled apart Stella was no longer there. "So...why was Stella Bowers driving you?" Chloe asked as we walked through her front door. My blood immediately froze as I came up with a lie. "Uhhh..my car is broken so I asked her to drive me," I replied. Chloe nodded and we made it to her room where for five hours we cried, watched TV, and ate so much junk food. Chloe fell asleep and I took the opportunity to sneak to her bathroom and text Stella.

Isabel: hey

Stella:hey wsp

Isabel: nun much

Isabel: i wanted to check on u

Stella: im fine

Isabel: i don't believe u

Stella: it just sucks the one time u and i are free it gets cut short

Stella: and u dropped my hand which is fine cuz ik ur  to ready for that but wtv

Isabel: Stel...

Stella: look we can talk more about this later im kinda busy rn

Isabel: doing what???

Stella: hanging w casey and a few ppl

Isabel: oh okay

I watched as three little dots appeared and then disappeared again. I shut my phone off and came back in the bed trying to think about everything. I was so tired of hiding Stella but I didn't even know if I was ready for that. I finally fell asleep my mind on a certain pair of green eyes.  

AN: another filler(sorry for not updating guys been super busy more updates coming!!!)

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