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I had never seen such an aggressive hockey game. Both teams played phenomenally but it was aggressive. There were lots of body slams and penalties. Both teams had scored 3 and there were 5 minutes left in the game. I saw Stella get slammed to the ice by Clarke. She quickly got up and spit blood out. I gasped and watched intently. She skated on the ice flawlessly following until she found the puck and stole it from another girl. She easily dodged defenders and was now near the goal. Clarke came and tried shocking her down but Stella was strong and stood her ground. She shot the puck and a loud buzz signaled she had scored. I stood up and cheered jumping up and down. Stella turned her head and her eyes met mine. I loud whack ricocheted through the rink and Stella was holding the front of her face. Clarke had taken her stick and struck her. Stella charged her pushing her onto the ice punching and slapping. "You fucking bitch," Stella screamed. "You deserve it Bowers, I swear you're  fucking pussy you can't even hit" Clarke shot back. Both coaches and teams skated on the ice to pull the girls apart.  When they were spereated I could finally see the damage to them both.

Clarke had a bloody nose and a jaw that looked like it would be very purple the next day. Stella however, her eye was shut and her nose was slightly crooked. "She fucking broke my nose," she cried. Clarke laughed as her team dragged her off the ice sort of apologizing for her. Stella was bent over in pain and I could hear her crying. Her teammates comforted her while it took all my power to keep me from running on that ice to hold her. Stella finally got up and the student section cheered loudly for her. She skated to the locker room leaving a trail of blood on the ice. Everyone began to disperse from the stands and outside. I stayed in the rink waiting for an update. I was scared as hell and I began chewing my nails down to the skin. "She's okay by the way," someone said. I turned and found her best friend Casey standing by the door. I nodded slightly and turned back around. "Holy shit, you're her," Casey said.

 I froze hoping she wouldn't guess what I thought she was going to. She walked up beside me and said, "You and Stella are together, right?" All the blood drained from my body and I was mortified. Still, a small smile crept on my face just thinking about her. I heard Casey laugh and wipe a fake tear. "I fucking knew it was you because Stella would not go to an ice skating competition for fun and learning new techniques," she said. I was confused, I never saw Stella at any of my competitions. The last one I had was right before I tore my ACL, which was well over a year ago. HAs she liked me for that long? Before I could respond the locker room doors opened and the team walked out. I saw Stella at the back. Her nose was taped and stuffed with cotton. She walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I blushed and slightly pushed her off. She had a dopey smile on her face. Megan, another hockey girl walked up and said, "Sorry about this big goof, but that bitch Clarke broke her nose. They reset it but they gave her a ton of drugs so she's high and a kite right now."  I snorted and Megan smiled and handed me all of Stella's things. Stella was standing close to me looking around like a kid in a candy shop.

"So I'll pick up the boys and take Stella's car since my boyfriend drove me today. You can take this bigfoot bitch to her house?" Casey said as we devised a plan. I nodded and Casey grabbed Stella's keys and walked to the parking lot. I practically carried Stella to my car and plopped her in the seat, buckling her in. When I got in and started driving she was staring at me intently. "What?" I questioned. She smiled and said, "nothin' you're just really pretty and smell good." I blushed and replied with a thank you. She sat forward and bopped her head to the music. "Are you my girlfriend?" she questioned. I was glad we were at a red light or I would have slammed into the car in front of me. She continued, "I hope you are because you smell so good and you're eyes are fucking amazing. Like they're blue but not creepy blue but like so soo pretty. And because you're pretty and im pretty we should date. but only if you want to because consent is important," she rambled. I just let her talk until we arrived at her house. Once we were inside, It was a team effort between me, Casey, and her twin brothers to get Stella unstairs into her room. We then called her mom and she said she would be home as soon as she could. Casey went to get dinner for them all while I kept an eye on Stella. She just sat on her bed looking around like it was the coolest thing in the world.

I met Casey in the kitchen where she was texting on her phone. I cleared my throat and she put her phone down. "Thanks for the help," I said. She nodded and we stood there awkwardly. "She likes you a lot," Casey said. I smiled and bit my lip. "I won't say anything I promise," she reassured me. I thanked her and she hugged me which was weird and left promptly. I went upstairs to Stella's room where I found her in only her sweatpants and a bra. I blushed and turned around. "Where is your shirt, Stella?" I questioned. I heard her step close to me. "I took it off because I wanted to," she replied. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me so I could face her. Somehow my eyes dropped to her stomach where all her abs were. God, she was beautiful. I shook my head and told her it was time for bed. I pulled my eyes away and dragged her onto the bed. I pulled down the covers and tucked her in. I was getting ready to leave and she grabbed my wrist and said, "Stay, for a little?" I nodded and kicked off my shoes and slid into the covers with her. We stayed apart except for Stella's tight grip on my wrist. My eyes fell heavy and I fell fast asleep next to Stella fucking Bowers. 

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