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I closed the door to my house and put my back to it. I stood there smiling replaying everything that had just happened. I kissed Isabel, or rather she kissed me or we kissed each other. I don't know, but it was good. I had kissed plenty of girls and guys but kissing Isabel reminded me of the first time I ever skated. I walked into the kitchen and my dad was sitting there. I gasped, "Dad!" I ran up to him and he scooped me up like I was five. My dad is in the military, specifically the Navy, which means he is always deployed. However, once every several months he comes home. Even though it's only for a few days I love it. "Hey munchkin," he said kissing the top of my head. I smiled. "Do the twins know you're here?" I questioned while walking to the fridge. "Yeah, they do. We're going to family dinner so go shower and put on something nice," he replied. I nodded and started walking towards the stairs but not before hugging him again. He laughed and hugged me back. I stepped back and walked up the stairs into my room. I asked my brothers what they were wearing. They both had on slacks and a button-down. So fancy, great. I showered scrubbing all the hockey off me but not without touching my lips remember how just a few hours ago I was kissing Isabel. I shook my head and stepped out of the shower. I threw my hair into a nice up bun and rummaged though my closet until I found a navy blue dress that stopped about mid-thigh and was flowy. I put on wedge heels and walked downstairs. Everyone commented on how nice I looked. 

Dinner was nice, It was like we were a normal family who did this often. We of course talked about my father's next deployment. This one would be 12 months which meant, "You're missing my graduation?" I questioned. He looked at me with somber eyes, "I'm sorry muchkin, but when I get back we'll celebrate on our own, Yeah?" he said. I nodded looking away. I didn't pay attention to the rest of dinner and when we got home I went straight up to my room and spread on my bed. I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep. I didn't understand why he couldn't stop the deployment. He had been doing this for 30 years but he was there for everyone else's things, not his only daughters though. 

The next morning was rough. I woke up late. my hair was a mess and it had finally started getting cold so there was ice on my windshield. I threw on a beanie a green crewneck and a pair of jeans. I rushed out of the house without saying goodbye. When I arrived I made it just in time to walk and not run to class which made me feel a little bit better. But what made me happy was seeing her. She was wearing a white turtleneck and denim jeans. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she was walking with some of her other ice skating teammates. She caught my eye and immediately blushed. she looked away trying not to smile, and I just stood in the middle of the hallway like a dumbass. I walked to class but all I could think about was her. I came up with a plan to talk to her. As the lunch bell rang, I practically sprinted to her locker and saw her facing it looking down at her phone. I walked up to her and whispered, "So I don't have your number, can I get that?" She jumped and turned around looking at who just said that to her. She smiled, "yeah you can, give me your phone," she replied. I sighed, "My parents are anti-cellphone so can you write it down for me?" I said batting my eyelashes. She rolled her eyes and nodded. I grabbed her hand and started walking until I found one of the drama rooms. 

I opened the door and pushed her in. "Stella, there's no paper in here," she said annoyed. I laughed out. "I didn't come in here for paper," I said looking at her. She gave a confused look while I walked towards her. She took several steps back until she was against a wall. Her eyes were touching from my lips to my eyes and then back to my lips. I leaned in, "I have been thinking about you all night," I whispered. She let out a shaky breath. I looked at her watching her quivery under my gaze. "Oh my god just fucking kiss me please," she said with her eyes shut. I laughed and dipped my head down to kiss her. Our lips moved like a dance, both of us fighting for dominance. She pushed her body against mine and had her hands on the back of my neck with her fingers at the base of my hairline. I removed my mouth from her lips and onto her neck. I heard a sharp inhale and I stopped. Before I could say anything she breathed out, "Keep going please." I smiled against her neck and kissed it. Her hands immediately went to my shoulders for stability. 

I began kissing up and down her neck with one hand on the table and the other on her waist. I could hear her breathing heavily and when I sucked on her neck for the first time she moaned right in my ear. I tightened my grip on her waist and began hungrily attacking her neck. I moved my lips to right where her neck and clavicle met and she moaned softly in my ear. " We should stop," she said breathlessly. "Mhm yeah," I said pulling my lips off her neck. She laughed and wrapped her hands around my neck. I looked down at her and she leaned in. I thought she was going for another kiss but she instead put her lips next to my ear and whispered, "Calm down baby. I thought you wanted my number," she purred. My legs felt like jelly and I slightly nodded. I handed her my phone and she put her number in.  Before she handed my phone she told me to get close and I did. She leaned her backside against my front and took a picture. She put it in as her contact picture. "Now you can text me, whenever," she said with a goofy smile. I laughed and we walked out the drama room and down the hall. We spent the rest of the lunch talking about nothing important, but just being with each other. When the lunch bell rang I told her that I had an away game, so we couldn't practice today. She pouted and without thinking I hugged her. She froze, but not before returning the hug placing her head next to mine. "I'll text you," I said in her ear. "I'll be waiting," she replied. I pulled away and shooed her off. She walked down the hall and I watched her walk to class. I was so fucked.  

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