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flashback(sophomore year)

I held my leg as far back as I could. "Farther," my coach said. I pulled my leg back more and felt the blade of my skate graze the head. I stood as still as I could ignoring the burning sensation building in my legs. Tears prickled the sides of my eyes and I bit my tongue from screaming. Finally, my coach said, "Drop." I quickly let my leg fall to my side regaining feeling in it. she continued to pummel me with strenuous workouts and stretches. "You want to be the best Isabel, you have to train the best and the longest," my coach said repeatedly. I landed on my back again reminding me of the familiar feeling of chilliness. "Again," my coach barked. I got up and tried again falling back on my face. I looked up and saw my coach sigh and skate off. I picked myself back up and tried again this time falling on my ass. "I might be a hockey player but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to land on your feet," a voice said. I spun around to find Stella Bowers staring at me. Stella Bowers was probably one of the very few people who pissed me off to my core. She was arrogant and had a massive god complex. Stella and I have known each other since we were five when we were on the same hockey team. I quickly switched over to ice skating while she stayed with hockey.

"I might be an ice skater but I know you're an asshole," I quipped back. She laughed and skated around me. "I don't know I saw you fall a few times, just pointing out the obvious," she said steadily skating around me. I rolled my eyes and tried to skate off the ice when she caught my arm and spun me around to her. "C'mon Isabel, live a little," she said arrogantly. I ripped her hand off my arm and spat, "fuck off Stella." Her eyes darkened and she clenched her jaw. I smiled seeing her get angry. She huffed out and said, "Damn so the rumors are true. No one fucked that attitude out of you yet. Well I might be in a relationship but I know plenty of people who would kill for that opportunity," she said smugly. My hand flew across her face making a "whack" sound. I covered my mouth as she reached up to touch her cheek. She looked at me and then shoved me against the wall. I tried to fight her but her strong grip kept me in place. "Touch me again and I will make you fucking regret it," she said so close I could smell her minty breath. She skated off the ice leaving me alone very angry and confused.


Faye held an ice pack to my cheek and she kissed up my neck. "Fuck that bitch," I murmured. Faye nodded while running her hand down my leg and close to my crotch. Faye began unbuttoning my pants but all I could think about was Isabel. No one had ever spoken to me like that and it left me confused. I grabbed Faye's hands and flipped up while she giggled out. I kissed down until the only thing on my mind was Faye's moans. The next school day was quite uneventful. I was contemplating getting some extra practice in when Faye texted me

Faye: be at cafeteria for lunch

I didn't think anything of it but complied. I sat at my usual table with Casey, Faye, and a few other hockey girls and guys. My eyes fell on Isabel as I watched her walk over to her table full of friends. Faye whispered in my ear, "This is for you baby." Almost immediately Nate Atkins walked up to her. "Hey you're Isabel right?" he asked her. She nodded and smiled sweetly as he continued. "Hey look I heard you desperately needed that attitude fucked out of you, so I wanted to offer up my services," he laughed. Her smile dropped quickly as her jaw dropped almost touching the table. Nate laughed and walked away while everyone else either laughed or looked shocked. Isabel's eyes began to water as she rushed out of the cafeteria. I turned to Faye, "Did you do that?" She nodded and my jaw tightened. "Baby, I did it for you. That bitch had it coming," she said grabbing my arm. I pulled it out of her grip and stood up, "I don't need you fighting my battles Faye," I said walking towards the exit. 

I walked until I heard sniffles coming from one of the old drama rooms. I walked in and saw Isabel crying in the corner. When she heard me she turned around and rolled her eyes huffing out, "Coming to gloat Bowers?" I shook my head and replied, "No, that was all Faye's idea I had no idea she was going to do that." Isabel looked at me with a "do you think I'm stupid" face and turned her back. I stepped closer breathing out in frustration. "Faye can be a bit much but what she did was fucked up so Im sorry," I said to the back of her head. She didn't say anything back so I continued, "I'll tell her to back off for good. I promise she won't bother you for the rest of high school." She finally turned and looked at me with a sour face. I could hate Isabel for my entire life but I could never deny the way she looked at you was like she was looking through your soul. "And what about you?" she asked. I laughed out, "Nahhh you and we, were stuck for life. Im gonna annoy you forever and you'll never let me forget how much of an asshole I am," I said looking at her. She chuckled and her eyes met mine. "I hate you, Stella Bowers," she said staring at me. I looked back at those piercing blue eyes saying, "The feelings are mutual ice princess."

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