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"Hurry uppppppppp!" I whined out to Casey. "Calm down I'm almost done," she retorted. The past few weeks had flown by. With school, hockey, and now Isabel time was flying by and before I knew it it was the week before homecoming week. There were lots of activities and dress-up days planned. The dance however was the biggest event everyone waited for. Case in point I had been at the mall for hours with Casey helping her pick out a dress. She walked out wearing a dark green dress that complimented her firey red hair. It was perfect. "That's perfect Casey," I said. She smiled like a maniac and ran to take pictures. I rolled my eyes and kept scrolling on Instagram. A text popped up on my phone making me smile widely

Isabel: im wearing baby blue btw

Stella: and what am i to do with this information?

Isabel: wear smt with baby blue 

Stella: okay

Stella: can i see ur dress???

Isabel: no i wanna surprise you

Stella: fine

Isabel: dont pout

Isabel: are u coming on wednesday?

Stella: i wouldnt miss it for the world 

"Ready to go?" Casey called pulling my eyes away from my phone. I got up and walked to her shoving my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. "Can we stop somewhere really quick? I need something baby blue" I asked. Casey looked at me devilishly grabbed my hand and dragged me to this men's suit store. We asked for baby blue suits and they were horrible. I mean just awful. We left promptly and tried another store where I found the most perfect suit. It was baggy but it fit well. I bought it and me and Casey walked out of the mall. I drove as Casey talked about her and her boyfriends Peter's plan. She was planning on losing her virginity on Saturday and was asking for advice. "So Stel...are you planning anything on homecoming night with Isabel?" she asked. I blushed, just hearing her name made me quiver. I puffed out air, "well she's going with Trent Parker so we're meeting up at the after-party," I said looking at the road. Casey laughed, "Trent Parker and Isabel, that's insane. I would lose my shit," Casey said. I gripped the wheel trying to calm my breathing. "I know that we're probably gonna fuck so I'm not concerned with who she takes to the dance," I responded sharply. Casey put her hands up in defense and laughed out

Monday had rolled by and so had Tuesday and before I knew it, Wednesday had approached. School drug by and I didn't see Isabel. I hadn't seen her much this week. She was gearing up for sectionals and her coach made her and Nico go on a date. Normally that would piss me off but she spent the entire date snapping me cute photos. The last bell rang and I got up from my seat walking casually. I walked into the locker room and changed into my gear. It was going to be a short practice since Friday was our homecoming game. Practice was easy and as soon as it ended I showered, put on some nice chill clothes, and raced out of the locker room. I stopped for roses, which I had looked up which was a good gift for an ice skater. Isabel's competition was away today so I drove out to the neighboring town's rink. I walked in carrying the roses and sat as I watched all the other teams go.

It seemed like hours before they called Isabel and Nico's name. Finally when they skated out my eyes immedaly drew to Isabel.  She was wearing a dark green skating dress. Her long, silky hair was in a tight high ponytail. The music started and my eyes watched their performance. The way she moved on the ice was enchanting, she moved like she breathed, so easily and flawlessly. I don't know much about hockey but the moves she did she did them perfectly. Nico was alright, which meant perfect. He was as flawless as Isabel. The final move was coming up when Isabel hung onto his waist while he spun. She wrapped her legs around his waist and then dropped her back so her hand was grazing the ice while Nico spun them. As the move finishes Nico drug Isabel up his body, which I don't think was supposed to happen, and then kisses Isabel. My jaw clenched as I watched her kiss him back and then they posed. They skated off the ice and into their locker room. I walked up grabbing my stuff to get some air. When I came back in they were announcing awards. Nico and Isabel got first place which meant they were going to sectionals. I stood by the door before I heard a scream and saw Isabel running towards me. She jumped in my arms and hugged me tightly. "I made it!" she shouted. I laughed and put her down. I handed her the roses and she asked sweetly, "For me?" I nodded and she smelled them sighing. I was about to say something about the kiss when Nico walked out. His cheek was red and had a handprint on it. When he looked our way he quickly looked down and walked out of the rink. 

"What's that about," I said nodding my head towards the door. She looked that way and rolled her eyes. "That kiss was not planned. He just kissed me and I didn't wanna lose points so I kissed him back, but when we got to the locker room I slapped him" she said. I tried so hard not to laugh but I couldn't help myself and laughed out. She pushed me and then grabbed me again. "Do you wanna go somewhere and celebrate?" she asked with a smirk on her face. I nodded and she pulled me to the locker room. "Should we be in here Iz?" I asked. "Don't be scared, it's fine everyone is leaving or has already left," she reassured me. I nodded watching her. She walked up to me and placed her hands on my neck pulling me down to her height. Her blue eyes were darkening by the second and I looked from her eyes to her lips. "Fuck, you drive me crazy Isabel Brown," I said whining. 

 She smiled devilishly and pulled my lips to hers. Isabel and I had kissed each other a lot but this kiss was different. It was slow and passionate. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue into my mouth. I quickly lifted her onto a nearby table and slid myself between her legs. I sucked her tongue and she moaned into my mouth. The kiss became sloppy quickly and I moved my mouth to her neck where I dragged my tongue along her pulse. She yanked my hair earning a yelp from me. Her hands were tangled in my hair and mine were on each side of her trying to contain myself, but the way she was moaning and whimpering was making it hard. I began pulling away but not before she grabbed my chin pulling me back in. She had scooted to the edge of the table so that our bodies were touching.  She pulled away and looked into my eyes. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast. My hand ran over her nipple and she moaned. "Take my shirt off," she said. As I was removing her shirt a loud bang came from the other side of the locker room. We jumped part looking for what could have caused it. I looked around but it must have been a broom or something. Isabel and I decided we should stop there. I walked her to her car and waited for her to drive off. As I drove home I thought to myself what if that broom didn't fall? What would have happened on that table? 

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