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Kinda a filler chapter


"Again," my coach called out. I sighed and restarted my routine for the sixth time. It was almost 8 pm and I wanted to get home. I completed my layback spin perfectly and finished my routine flawlessly. The last trick was a quadruple axel which is how I tore my ACL last year. when I attempted it I fell face-first on the ice. I heard someone snicker and I looked up. It was a boy I had never seen before. He had silver hair and tan skin. His eyes were the color of dirt and he had a small scar that ran from his scalp to the top of his eyebrow. He skated over and held out a hand. I took it and lifted myself.

"Thanks, I muttered." "No problem," he said smirking. My coach skated over and looked very pleased with herself. "Isabel, this is Nico, he is your new partner," she said grasping Nico's shoulder. I stood there with my mouth agape. I had a partner, he was good. "Jeremy switched to hockey," my coach said as if she could read my mind. I scowled and she rolled her eyes. "I'll let y'all get quietened and then we're starting back up," my coach said while skating off the ice. I ran my fingers through my ponytail and looked at Nico. He had a smug look on his face. I huffed, "So Nico, tell me about yourself?" I asked not caring. He smiled, "Well I'm from Florida, I have two older sisters, and I've been to the Junior Olympics three times," he said. I looked at him, he did look like he had just stepped off of a beach. I look at his future, he was tall, well over six foot, and he was kind of lanky but in a muscular way. "Have you finished determining if I'm sexy or not?" he asked cockily. I flipped him off and skated to the middle of the ice for us to start practicing.

Two hours later I was walking to my car with my phone. I had a few Snapchat notifications, a few Instagram likes, but only one notification caught my eye.

Stella: hey

Stella: we won

Stella: hope ur killing it at practice 

I smiled at my phone about to text her back when I felt a presence behind me. I turned and saw Nico standing in front of me. "Can I get your number, so we can coordinate practice? We need a lot if we wanna compete at the regional competition in a few weeks," he said. I nodded and read out my number to him. He typed it in his phone and walked away. I followed him as he stepped into a black Jeep. He was so Florida. I drove home and when I opened the door, the kitchen light was on. I walked cautiously and saw my mom sitting at the counter. "Mom?" I questioned. She looked up with tired eyes and smiled. "Hi, sweetie," she said walking over to me and enveloping me in a hug. I immediately wrapped my arms around her. She squeezed me tightly and kissed the top of my head. We moved to the couch where we talked for hours. We caught up on everything I told her about everything: Nico, skating, my coach, and even Stella. Well, I left out the party and the kissing but she didn't have to know. 

"Stella Bowers, wow that is a throwback name," my mom said running her fingers through my hair. I smiled thinking about her but my thoughts were interrupted when my mom asked, "So any boyfriend, Isabel." I internally sighed. I had a few boyfriends over the years but none that brought by the house. Most of them lasted less than a year and all we would do was fuck. "No Mom," I replied shortly. She sighed, "Honey, I was trying to upset you it's just since I'm never here, and your dad...," she stopped talking. "I know Mom," I said taking her hand in mine. When I was nine my dad left me and my mom for another woman. He moved to Texas and started a new family. A few years after I reached out to him because I needed to know why he left. I don't remember what he said except for the fact that he felt as if it was just him alone in his marriage. We kept in contact and the summer of my freshman year I went to visit him and his new family in Texas. It was probably the happiest I ever felt. He had had two more kids, one boy and one girl who were the funniest kids I ever met. His wife, Sasha was kind and didn't treat me like an outsider. My mom never knew I went to Texas, she doesn't even know I keep in contact with my dad, she thinks I hate him like she does. We talked for a little while until she fell asleep on my shoulder. I carefully placed her on a pillow and escaped up to my room. I pulled out my phone and texted Stella. 

Isabel: congrats!!

Isabel: practice was good. got a new partner


Stella: whats his name?

Isabel: are you jealous?

Stella: yes. cuz he gets to touch you..like that...

I blushed at my phone contemplating what I could respond with.

Isabel: you could touch me like that..if you wanted


Stella: sorry I died for a second

I laughed and thought about it. Was I ready for that? To go that distance with her. I had never been with a girl before.

Stella: im not ready for that yet

Isabel: oh ok good me neither

Stella: but I'm down for some more time with you

Isabel: meet me in the drama room during lunch

Stella: yes ma'am

I shut my phone off and went to sleep dreaming of green eyes. 

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