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I woke up and It felt like a slab of concrete had been placed on my face. I opened my eyes and gasped at what I saw. Isabel had her face tucked into my neck and her body was curled up into mine. Her arm was draped across my waist. She looked so peaceful as she slept. Her pink lips were slightly separated and her nose twitched every few moments. I took my free hand a softly took it off my waist. I pulled myself away from her warm body and walked to my bathroom to assess the damage. My eyes were both black and my nose was huge and swollen. there were bandages and on the bridge of my nose. I raised my hand to touch it and winced as soon as my fingers touched it. In my 15 years of playing hockey, I have never broken my nose. I had broken almost anything but my nose. I rolled my eyes thinking back to that bitch Clarke and how she whacked me with her hockey stick. I finished up in the bathroom and exited. I found Isabel waking up. Her hair fell down her back and she stretched. She turned to me and said "Morning Stella." Fuck, of course, her morning voice was sexy. It was slightly raspy but had a sweet sound at the end. She stepped out of my bed and walked to my bathroom like she had done this before. I sat at my desk responding to all my teammates laughing at some of the videos of me beating the shit out of Clarke. I scrolled until Isabel exited the bathroom. I finally took in her appearance. She was wearing my hockey shirt and some old boxers of mine.

"Is that my shirt?" I asked slyly. She blushed and walked toward the chair opposite me. "Yeah, I didn't wanna sleep in jeans so I kinda just grabbed whatever I saw first, sorry" she replied. I smiled, "Its cool keep the shirt you look really good in it" I reported. She blushed again and put her face down. "So I know I was so out of it yesterday so did I miss anything important?" I asked looking at her. She laughed nervously, "Well just two things. Your friend, Casey knows about us," she said. My face turned into shock. "Shit, are you okay? I knew you didn't want people to know," I asked worried about her. She smiled and replied softly, "She can know." I realized she had said she had two things to tell me. "What was the other thing?" I questioned. She puffed out running her hands through her silky hair. "Um yeah, you asked me if I was your girlfriend," she said quietly. Oh my god. Fuck high me she was such an opp. I didn't respond and just looked at my hands. "Do you want to be?" I asked almost joking. It was quiet as I waited for her response. It felt like hours before she responded with one word: "Yes."

I had pulled her chair in front of me now. "So Isabel Brown is my girlfriend," I said smiling. She returned my smile and said, "Stella Bowers is my girlfriend," I laughed as she smiled dropping her head. She lifted it and kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed her back placing my hand on her neck and pulling her in. Her hand fell on my bare thigh for support as she came closer moving her lips against mine. She opened her mouth and she tasted minty, like my mouthwash. I smiled against her lips and resumed kissing her. The kiss quickly became hot and I pulled Isabel's waist so that she removed herself from her chair and onto my lap. I pulled away to just look at her. She was so beautiful. She smiled at me and pecked my lips. "I should go," she whispered in my ear. I whined and she playfully shoved me. I responded by grabbing her ass with both hands and squeezing it. She gave me a shocked look and grabbed my shirt pulling me up against her lips. "Watch yourself, Bowers," she purred. She hopped out of my lap grabbed stuff and put it in her bag. I protested her leaving and she sighed, "I have to go but next time we hang, I'll give you another one of those hickeys," she said sweetly. I blushed and nodded like crazy. She laughed and opened my door where her smile quickly dropped. I looked and saw my mom standing at my door with a shocked face. Isabel blushed and excused herself practically running to the door. 

"Hi Mama," I said embarrassed. She gave me one of her infamous looks and motioned for me to come downstairs. Once I was downstairs she made me go to the hospital where they examined my nose. It was broken but whatever they did at the rink was right and I didn't need any further medical attention. They gave me a ton of bandages to change on my nose. They also told me it would take a while for all the bruising to heal up. We thanked them and walked out of the hospital. We were in the car when my mother finally spoke about what she had been dying for the past three hours. "Is that her?" she asked. I nodded. "Well she is very pretty and she looks so much like Isabel Brown," my mom said. I laughed awkwardly, "That's because it is Isabel mom," I replied. My mom gasped and smiled like an evil person. "I knew it, ooooo I owe your dad $5" she laughed out. WHAT? my parents' betting on my love life was crazy. "Well I'm very happy for you but you know the rules. That door will remain open when she's over, and if I'm not here, just don't do anything if your brothers are home" she said calmly. "MOOOOOM stop talking, were not doing that" I cried. She made a noise and kept driving. I pulled out my phone and snapped Isabel. She replied as soon as I sent it.

Isabel: you look like shit

Stella: aww you're so kind 😐

Isabel: im kidding 

Isabel: you look good enough to eat 😉

Stella: you're so fucking weird

Isabel: you're dating me so that's on you partna 

Stella: yeah whatever 

Isabel: rest up and get better

Stella: yes ma'am

Isabel: text me later?

Stella: ofc babe

Isabel: I like that

Isabel: keep calling me it

I laughed and put my phone down in my lap. We finally arrived home where my brothers were waiting to be my servants all weekend. It was amazing I barely did anything expect for Facetime and text Isbel. Before I knew it It was Sunday night which meant I was going to see Isabel the next day. Holy shit she has changed my life. 

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