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Run. Defend. Shoot. Run. Defend. Shoot. Run. Defend. Shoot. Run. Defend. Shoot. Run. Defend. Shoot. My body ached as I kept practicing on the ice well after practice. It had been a few days since the date fiasco between me and Isabel. While we resolved it later we still kinda had a weird vibe going on. We had barely seen each other with me prepping for state playoffs and she preparing for sectionals. The times we did see each other it was in passing or we would meet in our room but barely have any time together. I shook my head and began my drills again when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and was surprised to see Megan. "Hey Meg, what's up?" I ask. She smiles and says, "Hey Stell. I know you're captain but we're still teammates and I can see some things going on with you. You wanna talk about it?" I smiled awkwardly. Was it that obvious? I skated off the ice and she followed. "Uhhh, I mean I'm good Meg, seriously," I replied. She nodded as I walked off and replied, "So your issues have nothing to do with Isabel." 

I froze. I turned around with my eyes bulging out. Before I could even ask she opened her mouth, "I was late to class once and I was walking past the old drama rooms and I saw you and her kissing," she said. I sat on the bench next to her shocked and confused. "You can't tell anyone okay? She..she's not ready for anyone to know yet," I said pleading. Megan threw her hands up in defense shaking her head. "Stella I would never, I just wanna know what's up with you," she said. And if that's all it took I let the floodgates open. I told Megan everything from me training Isabel, to the parties, to homecoming, and to just last weekend. She listened and gave no judgment. She gave me good advice which I was planning on taking. As we finished, Mgean hugged me. While I had known Megan for years it felt different like she knew me. I hugged her back and we parted as I heard a throat clear. We both turned and I saw Isabel standing by the door with her bag. "Thanks for the talk Stel, see you later," Megan said walking out of the gym and giving Isabel and smile. The loud arena doors slammed before either of us said anything.

"Hey," I said. She said the same back walking towards me until she was right in front of me. We stood there for what felt like hours until she said, "I umm I came out to Mr. Jennings today." My face was stunned. Mr. Jennings was the school's counselor and I had seen him all of five times in all 4 years of high school. However, I knew Isabel talked to him a lot, especially with her dad's stuff. I was so proud of her for that and couldn't help but smile at her.  "Stella, you're important to me and I'm gonna try for you.. for us because I have never felt like this before and I need you," she said tears welling in her eyes. "I'm important to you?" I questioned feeling my face heat up. She nodded and I grabbed her waist and pulled her in. Her arms immediately went under my shirt rubbing my back as my face buried on top of her head. She pulled away and she had a devilish look in her eyes. "My mom's not home do you wanna come over?" she asked. I smiled and nodded very quickly. I ran out of the gym and started my car to drive to Isabel's. I called the boys and told them I would be home later and they didn't have to wait up. They said they were good since my mom was home and was making dinner. I then called my mom and told her I would be home later which she was fine with. I pulled into Isabel's driveway seeing her car parked on the left side. I quickly hopped out of my car and knocked on the door. She emerged wearing nothing but a towel. "I was about to get in the shower wanna join me?" 

I quickly walked backward as Isabel quickly removed my shirt connecting our lips again. Her hands ran up my body tugging at my sweatpants which I removed in one swift move. We finally reached the bathroom where Isabel walked me backward until I hit the counter and dropped her towel. Her blue eyes pierced mine as she moved my underwear and bra and pushed us into the shower. Her mouth moved to my neck where she sucked and bit up and down steadily near my sensitive spot. She tried to move her lips back to my lips and Flipped us over so her back was to the wall. My mouth attacked hers as she moaned deeply into my mouth. 

I kissed my way down to the valley of her breast where I sucked and licked. "Stella," she moaned out. I smiled to myself as I kissed lower and lower until I was right between her thighs. I looked up from my knees where I saw her biting her lip and nodding her head eagerly. I acknowledged her consent by softly kissing her clit. Her hips immedaly bucked towards my face as she let out a soft moan. I repeated my actions but this life drug my tongue against it. She moaned loudly as I slowly kissed and licked up and down her center. "Stop t...teasing me and fuck me, Stella," she barely made out. I laughed feeling the vibration course through her body and she shut her eyes and shuddered. I quicked my pace by licking faster and sucking on her. I felt her legs about to give to which I adjusted by putting her legs on my shoulders. I stood up having her entire weight on me. Both of my hands went up to her back as I stepped out of the shower both our bodies drenched. I placed her on the bed and to right back to what I was doing. I sucked hard a lapped up as much as I could. All I could hear was her center sloshing again my tongue and her moans swirling around me. 

 "Im gonna cum," she moaned out. I quickly trusted my tongue deep inside her and she screamed out various cuss words as her hips rolled against my tongue as she rode out her orgasm. I heard her breathing slow down as I removed her legs from my shoulders and onto the bed. I moved my body up to hers so that my face was hovering above hers. She wore a lazy smile and pulled me in close. 

"Fuck, that was good," she said. I laughed and pulled her closer. I drew soft circles on her back as she nuzzled into me. "Megan knows," I said softly. I felt her body tense and then relax. She was quiet for a while until she opened her mouth and said, "She won't tell anyone right?" I nodded and she sighed, "So it's okay then. I smiled. I knew this wasn't easy. For people to find out about us not on her terms, but I was also happy that more people knew how I felt about her, that she was mine and I was hers. I got up much to Isabel's protest and got dressed. I walked over to the bed where her naked body was slightly covered by a blanket. "I'll see you tomorrow right?" I asked. She nodded and pulled my face down to hers for a kiss. I pulled away and walked out the door smiling. 

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