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The past week had been brutal. Working with Nico had proven difficult. My schedule went as go to school, work out, practice, practice with Nico, practice more, and go home. I was juggling so much that I barely had time to meet up with Stella. I didn't see her much except for passing in the hallway and sometimes at the rink. we texted and called all through the night but it never lasted long because one of us would fall asleep. I had heard she had gotten her first D1 offer and I wanted to celebrate with her but I couldn't. A voice pulled me out of my thoughts and Stella was standing in front of me. "Hey," I said smiling. She muttered a "hi" back looking at the floor. We were in the library so I see why she was being quiet. she moved so that her back was facing the walkway and her body shielded mine. She reached for my hand and interlaced our fingers. "You still coming over tonight," she spoke softly. Shit, I forgot it was Thursday. "Yeah, it will be late though," I said deflated. She replied, "That's fine." I smiled and we stood there just holding one another hands looking into each other's eyes. We jumped apart when we heard footsteps and Stella silently rushed out of the library. I giggled and got back to work. 

Nico's hands roughly gripped my waist as he hoisted me in the air again. "Ow, that hurts," I said annoyed. He huffed, "Maybe if you lost weight, it wouldn't hurt as much," he said snarkly. I turned my elbow so that when he lifted me it hit him in the nose. "Fuck, okay I deserved that," he said holding his nose. We tried again and this time he was more gentle. Our routine was flawless and one part had us having an "intimate moment. Nico had to lift me to his waist and we had to do several slow spins. Everything was going fine until I looked at him and he looked like he wanted to rip my clothes off. I pushed off him creating some space between us. "Isabel, this isn't going to work if you all don't have chemistry," my coach shouted from the stands. "She's right," Nico said. They were right. When Figure Skating you had to have a good bond with your partner, but to me, it felt wrong. My last partner was gay and the one before that I was sleeping with. But Nico, I wasn't nor did I want to sleep with. When we did things like that it felt wrong. "Well maybe you shouldn't get a boner when we're that close," I spat back. His eyes darkened and he flipped me off. My coach decided to end the practice and allow us to leave. I accidentally ran to my car and sped over to Stella's house. I just wanted to be with her and forget about Nico and his horny actions.

Her house was very big. It was all white and had free doors. I walked up and rang the doorbell. When the door opened and tall boy opened the door. He had short-cropped hair and green eyes. "Hi," I said quietly. He nodded his head as a "sup" and pushed the door wider so I could walk in. When I did the house smelled like cinnamon and felt homey. "STELLAAAAAAAA!" the boy cried. There was a loud commotion from upstairs and I saw her walk down the stairs. She had on a cropped tank top and sweatpants. I noticed a tattoo on her arm and made a note to ask her about it later. When my eyes caught her face she had a huge smile on her face. "Hey Iz," she said standing in front of me. "This is Sebastian my younger brother and Sam is upstairs with his girlfriend," she said ruffling Sebastian's hair. He swatted her hand away. "Liz is coming over soon," he said fixing his hair. Stella rolled her eyes, "Both of y'all doors better be opened when I check," she said seriously. The air was slightly uncomfortable until both Sebation and Stella laughed. He walked upstairs leaving the two of us alone. "Wanna go upstairs?" she asked devilishly.

"Fuck," I muttered as her lips attached to my collarbone. I hadn't even fully stepped into her room when she pushed me against the door. My eyes were shut and and ran my fingers through her coarse hair. I pulled her closer and she sucked on the skin right above my collarbone. I had to bite my lip to contain the moans that wanted to escape my body. She walked me towards her bed and I flipped us so her back was to the bed. She plopped while propping up on her elbows. I straddled her waist and pulled her close. I slowly pressed our lips together and slid my tongue into her mouth. I could feel her smiling on my lips and her hands were placed on my back pushing me closer. I removed my lips from her mouth and onto her neck. Her fingernails slightly dug into my back as I sloppily kissed her neck. I pushed her back so she was flat on the bed put one hand on her chin and pushed it to the side. I peppered kisses along her jaw which I felt tightening after each kiss. "Holy shit," she breathed out. I laughed against her jaw and asked, "So you have a tattoo?" She wiggled from under me and stood up from the bed. She was now in front of me where she pointed at her arm. I saw two hockey sticks. Perfect for her. I looked at her and grabbed her by her sweatband, "I have a tattoo," I said looking into her eyes. She gave a confused look, "Where?" she questioned. I bit my lip, "You'd have to take off my underwear to see it," I replied seductively. She looked at me with wide eyes and I watched as they darkened. She dragged her hands down her face. I laughed manically and pushed her away slightly. She looked dazed and said, "Gotta check brothers." I laughed and laid back on her bed.

I took a look around her room. It had white walls which had a few hockey pictures on it. There were two built-in shelves all decorated with various hockey awards. Her bed was black and had a black quit on top of it. I laid against her pillow which smelt just like her. She came back in a few moments later looking more relaxed. "They're all good, chilling in the basement," she told me and I nodded and she came and lay next to me. Our hands intertwined and she played with the rings on my fingers. "Where are your parents?" I asked genuinely. She was quiet for a while until speaking, "My mom is a nurse and my dad is in the Navy," she said somberly. I didn't reply as I could tell it was a sensitive topic. I turned to face her and kissed her nose. We stayed lying together for an hour getting to know one another. She got up to tell her brothers' girlfriends to go home. "I should probably get going," I said lifting myself off the bed. She had just reentered the room and was sporting a pout. She pulled me in and softly pecked my lips. "Call me when you get home," she said on my lips. I nodded and pulled her back in for a long kiss. I opened my mouth and she slid her tongue in while tugging at my jacket. I took everything in me to pull away but I did. I laughed and walked out the door. She followed me to the front door and watched as I got in my car and drove off. When I got home I saw a notification.

Stella: wtf

Stella: look

I opened the photo she sent and it was of her neck. There was a large hickey right under her jaw.

Isabel: oops😛

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