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Long one yall!!!

I woke up and found Megan's foot in my face. I pushed it and she groaned rolling over. I stepped out of bed and walked around my room. Megan was asleep on the bed along with Trinity. On the floor was Rose and Brianna. I quietly walked out of my room and went downstairs. The boys were playing video games and they smiled and hugged me when they saw me. They congratulated me on my game-winning shot and asked how the party was. I thought back to the party and remembered the bathroom. I ran my hands through my hair and started getting ready for the dance. Most of the girls went to go get their hair and makeup done. I went with them but just waited. I was getting up to get a coffee when I saw Alice. I walked up to her and screamed, "Boo!" She screamed and slapped me in the arm. "What the fuck Stella, you scared me," she said seething. I laughed and held my arm where she hit me. She rolled her eyes and we talked a little while I waited for my order. "so how's that girlfriend of yours?" she asked looking into my eyes. I blushed just thinking about Isabel. "Yeah, she's good. It's our homecoming dance tonight," I responded. She smiled, "So yall are going together, how friggin cute!" she squealed. I frowned looking down at my hands, "No she's going with her ex. She's not ready to be out yet." Alice's face remained calm and neutral. I walked off to pick up my coffee and came back to where we were standing. "How bout I go with you?" Alice said. I looked at her and smiled.

"Hold fucking still Stella!" Casey said pulling my hair. I decided to straighten my hair allowing my black curls to be turned into a long, straight spectacle. I puffed air out of my cheeks and slumped in my chair. Finally, we were finished and it was time to get dressed. All my friends looked amazing. Megan was wearing a short, loose purple dress, Trinity had a white club dress on, Brianna and Rose were wearing yellow cupcake dresses, and Casey had on a skin-tight black dress. When I walked out they all screamed and jumped around me. I was wearing a baby blue pantsuit with no shirt underneath. The girls said I looked sexy and that I would be "getting some" tonight. I headed downstairs where all our parents were to take pictures. My mom made a big fuss about my hair and how beautiful I looked. After taking hundreds of pictures, the dates showed up. I stood awkwardly by the wall before I felt a hand on my back. I turned and saw Alice smiling at me. Her hair was in a beautiful braid and she had a tight red dress on. "Wow Alice, you clean up nice," I said. She laughed and replied, "Not too bad looking yourself Bowers." I gestured her to where pictures were being taken and we posed for a few. I tried to keep my distance in the pictures so they looked like a middle school couple's pictures. We said our goodbyes to the pranets and rode off to the dance. 


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The music was blaring as soon as we walked into the gym. Our group split going to mingle with other people. Alice stood close to me as I walked around talking to my classmates. I was deep in conversation with one freshman when Alice nudged me in my side. I turned my head and immediately saw her. She was wearing a tight baby blue dress that stopped mid-thigh. It hugged every curve of hers like it was painted onto her body. Her hair was curled and fell down her back just grazing her hips. She looked breathtaking. My eyes also saw Trent. He was wearing a black suit with a baby blue tie. He moved his hand from her shoulder to her low waist. I clenched my fist together and moved my eyes back to Alice. She had a pity look on her face. "Want something to drink?" I asked. She nodded and I walked off to the drink table. I poured two punches taking deep breaths with each pour. I walked back and gave the drink to Alice. She smiled and started talking about her new hookup which was quite a funny story. I threw my head back laughing and grabbing her arm for stability. I felt a pair of eyes burning the back of my skull so I turned around to find Isabel staring at Alice. Her jaw was clenched and her eyes were far from their usual icy blue. She grabbed Trent and brought him to the dance floor. They started dragging everyone's attention to them and then people joined them. I placed my cup down and dragged Alice to the dance floor. Two can play that game. 

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