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That next week leading up to my party was filled with hockey, school, and tension between Isabel and me. After the..meeting in the bathroom it only ignited the fire that I was trying so hard to put out. She would walk around the locker room in her bra, tempting me; at lunch, she would grab my hand and place it incredibly high on her thigh, and she would seductively eat, which turned me on so badly. Usually, I was a very smart person, but this no-sex ban was the stupidest thing I ever came up with. I groaned into the pillow as Alice patted my head. "You're gonna break her, you know that, right?" Alice said. I sat up, "What do you mean?" I asked. Alice laughed and said, "You and she haven't fucked in two weeks.

 You're having a party on Halloween with alcohol, and she's wearing that corset thing.  You're gonna break her." I rolled my eyes and hopped off the bed.   went to my closet to show Alice the costume.  And Isabel doesn't know what you're wearing right?" Alice asked. I nodded as I slid the costume on.  Then I walked out of the closet, and Alice wolf-whistled.  Oh yeah, you're gonna break her she's not gonna be able to keep her hands off you," Alice said.   smiled. 

I had been working really hard on this costume and was super excited to show it off.  And there's a dance," I said.  Alice squealed, "Oooh, this is gonna be so fun to watch." I once again rolled my eyes.  We spent the rest of the night cleaning my house and getting everything ready.  I had skipped school that day to get everything ready. I was about to have over 400 people in my house, so I needed to prepare for anything.

7:45 pm

 A few of my close friends had come over so we could pregame. I mostly needed it if I was gonna get through this dance.   and a few other people. I finally put on my whole costume. I was a fire captain, too hot to handle. I wore a white sports bra leaving my entire stomach out.  I had been working out extra so that my abs were on display.   wore highlighter pants with red suspenders on the side. I  also had a helmet and sunglasses.  Casey pulled me to the side, "You're gonna kill her, you know that right?" she said in my ear. I  nodded, smiling, "That's the plan." 

8:50 pm

I walked into the living room talking and joking around with people. I  mingled for a few more minutes until I felt a hand on my back. I  turned and saw Megan, "It's time," she said smiling.   nodded and walked down to the basement, having everyone follow me.  Alright y'all, thank you for coming to the fourth annual Halloween party.  This year, we have a little surprise for you all, so please enjoy and throw money if you want," I said, removing my jacket that covered my costume.

 As soon as I removed it, the crowd went wild. A  few other girls and I began doing a Magic Mike-type dance.  People were jumping, screaming, and dancing. I  was having a blast.  girls were grabbing me and pulling on me, but none of it mattered when I saw her walk down the steps. 

It was like all the air had been sucked out of my lungs.  Isabel walked down the stairs.  She was wearing a very corset dress-type thing.  It was very short and yellow.  I remember a conversation at lunch where she said something about being Belle.  I tried to keep up the "Magic Mike" routine as she walked so that she was standing right in front of me.  Her eyes slowly drug up my body as our eyes met.  Her eyes were glossy and droopy. 

The music finished, and I immediately went and started drinking.  The party was in full swing as I saw making out crying and vomiting.  I played a few rounds of beer pong before I was somehow pulled into truth or dare.  After a few rounds, I received a lap dance from Carmen, a cheerleader, slapped by Chloe, and had 7 shots.  I had just sat back on the couch when I felt a warm hand on my stomach. I  turned and it was Isabel.   leaned into her ear, "you look so fucking sexy," I whispered.

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