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Within seconds, her mouth was against mine, taking control. I tried to fight her, but it was no use as she pushed me against a wall. She moved her lips down to my neck, kissing softly while her hands ran along my waistband. I made a gurgling noise and felt her laugh against my neck.

I rolled my eyes, and she resumed kissing me. "What about Megan?" I breathed out. Megan is fine I'll take care of it; we have until 1," she replied. I nodded and shut my eyes as her hands roamed to my back, where she scratched lightly. 

She moved her mouth back to mine, and our lips moved slowly against each other. My mouth opened, and her tongue slid across mine, and she sucked on it, electing a soft moan from me. That only seemed to fire her up, and she removed her from me, allowing me to come off the wall only to throw me onto the bed as she climbed on top. 

I sat up, and I watched her straddle my wait. She swiftly removed her top clothing, leaving her in a white lace bar. I sighed as her hands reached for my shirt and pulled it over my head. "Lay back," she said softly. I nodded, laying my back against the bed as she crawled further on top of me.

She began kissing me below my collarbone and towards the top of my breast. Her left hand was on the bed while her right hand was placed on top of my breast, squeaking it every so often. She lifted me to remove my bra as she took one of my nipples fully in her breast. 

I gasped and my body fell back against the bed. I knew she had never done this before but it felt so fucking good. I was already losing my shit, and we had barely begun. 

She continued before she moved on to the next one. I felt her hips slowly grinding into mine and making my sight go fuzzy. I was growing impatient which was rare. I pushed my hips upwards and felt her smile. "I'll get there too, Stella don't worry," she said against my skin. My face reddened as she finished up on my top half. 

In less than 5 seconds, my pants had been removed, and I sat with nothing but my boxers on. She had taken a pause now, and I saw her breathing quickly. I sat up, "If you're not ready, we can do it later. Really, I will be okay," I said, looking at her. She smiled softly before pushing me back on the bed. "Im fine, I did my research. All you need to do is keep your eyes on me, baby," she said. 

I nodded and watched as she moved her mouth down to where my lips were and licked downwards. My hand was flat against the bed, her actions alone sending a fire in between my legs. She continued to kiss and lick over my abdomen, in between my thighs, and on my hip bone. She looked up from between my legs and asked for consent, which I gave.

Her hands gripped my waist and pulled my boxers down to below my ass. I was so glad I had shaved the night before. Before I could have another random thought, she placed a kiss on my clit, and my hips bucked upwards. Her hands immediately held me in place while she added to her previous actions.

She licked upwards, and I let out another moan. She explored all parts of me with her tongue, and I became undone under her. It wasn't until she sucked on my clit that I let out a loud moan. She continued the action before she hit a spot where I shivered. "Oh my god, right there, Iz," I breathed. She nodded and zoned in on my one spot.

My hands held her face in place without thinking, and she sped up her actions. I needily grinded my hips against her as she plunged her tongue inside of me. It wasn't long before I was extremely close. "I'm close," I moaned out. "Looks at me, Stella," she said. I opened my eyes to meet hers and ideally came. The sight of her between my legs pushed me over the edge. She kissed up my body until she reached my head.

I breathed deeply, "And you've never been with a girl before?" I asked. She shook her head, and I laughed out. "Was it not good?" she said as her face turned downwards. I grabbed it quickly, "No baby, it was soo fucking good," I replied. She smiled and attacked my lips.

I returned the action but not before moving her to my stomach, where she sat. I could feel how wet she was against my stomach. With one hand, I pushed her waist, causing her to stop kissing me and let out a groan. She fully sat up and began moving her hips as well. "What is this?" she asked. "I want you to ride my stomach," I responded. Her cheeks flushed, and she stood up to remove her underwear, tossing them next to my head. When I sat back down, I felt how wet she was, and apparently, so did she. 

"You're so fucking wet," I said. She nodded, letting out a little moan. Her face was scrunched up, and her hips moved slowly against my stomach. "I love the way you look while I fuck you. I love seeing you come undone on me, baby," I said. She threw her head back and moaned out. Her hips quickened their pace, and she grabbed my shins for support. "Baby, stop," she said, moaning deeply. My smile turned devilish. "You like it when I talk to you like that?" I asked. All she did was keep moving her hips and shut her eyes.

I decided to egg it on more and more, saying nasty things while I watched how she reacted, and It wasn't until I said, "You gonna cum for me, Isabel?" Her hand went immediately to my chest, her hips moving so quickly, and feeling her juices covering my stomach. "Yes, fuck yes," she moaned out. Warm liquid coated my stomach as she kept moving her hips. "You're so needy, baby," I said as her hips did not stop. I opened my mouth to say something else when her hand came and wrapped around my throat.

It wasn't tight to make me stop breathing, but it opened my eyes. And when I did, she was staring down at me fully with an angry expression. "Shut the fuck up and let me come again," she said, trying not to moan. I nodded and grabbed her hips to help her. My eyes never left hers as she kept her hand around my throat, moaning loudly.

She moved wildly and finally came for a second time with my help. She breathed heavily, removing her hand from my throat and down my body. She got off of me and laid next to me, where I peppered kisses along her hairline. "New line crossed," I breathed out. She smiled, "You like it because I love it," she said. 

I laughed and agreed with her. This was a new side to Iz; she was wild, and I wanted to explore it with her.

We spent the rest of the time showering and spending time together before our time was up. Isabel was redressed and heading to the door as I cleaned the room more. "I will see you in two days, ma'am," she said, looking at me. I skipped over to her and kissed her softly and quickly, "Okay, I lo-..I will see you then as a State Champ," I said sheepishly. She gave me a funny smile before opening the door and walking out.

I cannot believe I almost told her I love you. Were we ready for that? I couldn't even imagine not feeling the way I do about her. 

Before I could rack my brain anymore, Megan walked in. She looked around and said nothing as she sat on my bed. "I don't wanna know what happened, but you better not have fucked on my bed," she said, glaring at me. I put my hands up in defense as we laughed and fell asleep talking about nothing.

I drifted off thinking about my girl, Isabel. 


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