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It was finally Friday, the day of the hockey homecoming game. We were supposed to dress in school spirit and I half contemplated wearing Stella's hockey shirt but decided to wear one of my old hookup's shirts that had our school's logo printed on it. When I got to school there was a certain buzz about it. Hockey was big at our school, but girls hockey was by far the most popular. The day drug on until it was time for the pep rally. Everyone piled into the ice rink and sat on the stands. When the hockey team started skating out everyone went wild as they called each player one by one. "And your team captain number 26 Stellaaaaaa Bowers," called out the class president. The crowd erupted in applause as Stella skated out doing a flip and landing perfectly on her feet. She skated over to the mic as the crowd cheered. "Whaaaatssss uppppppp Veracross Higggghhhhhhh. I am so happy to see all of you all today and on behalf of me and the hockey team, we wanted to say thank you for all your support this season. This year we're going to make history by winning our fourth State Championship in a row! We love y'all and hope to see y'all at the game tonight!" she spoke. Everyone cheered at went wild as she joined her team. They began bringing out jerseys and throwing them into the stands. Everyone scrambled to get on and I moved to the front. I locked eyes with Stella and she threw me a jersey. When I unrolled it, I saw the big 26 with the last name "Bowers" written on it. I smiled and held it close looking back at her, where she flashed me her million-dollar smile and skated off the ice. 

After the pep rally, the buzz didn't die down. There was going to be a party tonight in celebration of the team. Everyone filled out the rink so the team could start preparing for the game. Most people left campus to change before coming back for the game and others hung around campus. I was going to be spending the night with Chloe and a few other friends so I went with them. "No way in hell you wearing that," Chloe said to me. I frowned, "what's wrong with this?" I asked. She walked over to me and pulled some things out of her closet. "Iz, I know you're seeing someone and I bet they'll be at this party so we need to dress to impress girl," she said. I rolled my eyes and blushed. I knew Stella was going to be there, and I wondered if she was going to like what I wore. I decided to take Chloe's advice and change into her outfit. It was a tight blue bodysuit that exsentuated my breast. I wore baggy blue jeans and then our school's varsity jacket. "Hot mama," said Raven one of my friends from skating. I smiled at her and applied the finishing touches to my makeup. We all piled up in the car and drove to the game.

The game was still tied with only 5 minutes left. The entire game had been a nail-biter filled with almost shots and penalties. Stella was back on the ice after sitting out because of a previous penalty. The crowd was chanting "Stella, Stella, Stella" when she got back on. The final face-off happened and the other team got the puck they whizzed down the ice getting close to the goal when a girl was knocked on her ass and Stella had stolen the puck. The crowd roared as she skated down the ice nearing the other goal. She maneuvered through defenders until she had a clear shot. Five seconds were remaining and she pulled her stick back and the puck went flying into the back of the net. The loud buzz signaled the puck had made it and the end of the game. Stella ripped off her makeup and held it up as Evetone cheered. Me and my friends were jumping up and down. My eyes caught Stella as she was being lifted by her team. People started filing out the gym to go to the party. I tried to stay behind to see Stella but Chloe dragged me with her to the party. 

When we arrived at the party people had already been drinking. Since I want to drive or go home tonight I decided to drink the stuff myself. I was onto my second beer when loud cheering was coming from the front of the house. I walked to see what it was and there was the hockey team. Stella was leading the charge. She was wearing black baggy jeans and a cropped black tank top. She had on sunglasses and a bottle of champagne in her hand. People patted her on the back and dapped her up. Girls crowed her for a hug and she accepted them still trying to move into the house. I thought she was gonna walk straight past me but she caught my eye and her eyes quickly dropped to my chest. She bit her lip and walked towards me before getting pulled into another room. I tried for the rest of the party to see her but I didn't, except for when I walked into the shots room where Stella was on her ninth one. She was now wearing a crown and had lost the sunglasses. Her green eyes were glazed and she had a goofy smile on her face. She saw me and put down the shot. She walked out of the room saying, "Yeah I have to pee," but looking directly at me. I watched as she walked upstairs and towards the bathroom. I waited a few seconds before following her upstairs. When I found the bathroom she was standing against the opposite wall looking at me. It was a large bathroom so I stood at the other end.

"Hey," she said. I smiled, "Hey there winner." She laughed and walked towards me. She smelled like vanilla and vodka. Her eyes trailed up and down my body burning my skin. "You have no idea how hard it is to control myself near you," she said into my ear. I breathed out, "so don't." As if that was all she did she took my mouth in hers. She pushed me up against the wall and ran her hands all over my body. She lifted me on her waist and sat me on the counter. She sucked and kissed my neck. I was a mess, moaning and grabbing Stella's waist to pull her closer to me. She kissed down my neck and to the swell of my breast. She slid my straps off my shoulder and my breast spilled out. She took a deep breath looking at them with awe. I became shy and tried to cover them. Stella grabbed my wrist and growled, "Don't do that." I listened to her and she ghosted her lips over my nipples. I whimpered at the contact almost begging her to do something. She chuckled and blew air on my erect nipples. I cried out my back slightly arching. "Fuck, you're so beautiful Isabel," she whispered taking my full breast in her mouth. I moaned loudly and she slapped her hand over my mouth while sucking and licking my breast. She moved over to the other breast. I knew she was probably leaving hickeys on them and at that moment I didn't care. One hand traveled to my thigh and grazed it gently. I tugged at her waist and she practically fell into me.

My hands traveled to the hem of her tank top which I removed. I was able to drag my hands up her abs and she groaned biting her lip. She moved her lips back to my mouth where she hungrily kissed. My hands were exploring her body. I noticed that her waist was sensitive and her back too. Her hands had now traveled to my pants where she swiftly unzipped them and pulled them down just enough. She kissed down from my mouth to my neck, to my chest, to my stomach, and finally to my thighs. She kissed them softly mumbling as she kissed all over my body. She brought herself back up face to face with me and looked into my eyes. I felt her finger drag up my clit. My hand tugged her hair out of shock and pleasure. She drug her finger again and I moaned. She played with my clit as I moaned out, "Fuck." I was coming undone. My underwear was soaked. Every part of my body was on fire and I was so turned on I didn't think I was gonna make it. Stella removed my underwear and spread my thighs. She drug her fingers up and down and in between my legs. Just as she was getting closer the doorknob rattled. Stella and I froze. "Isabel? Iz are you in there? Fuck I have to throw up," Chloe called out. I looked and Stella and she pulled my underwear and pants up redressing me for myself. She grabbed her shirt and hid in the bathtub. I opened the door and Chlose rushed in spewing whatever was in her stomach into the toilet. 

Fifteen minutes of me rubbing her back and holding her hair back she was finally done. She sat with her back to the tub resting her head back. "You okay?" I asked rubbing her arm. She nodded and said, "Were you having sex in here? it smells like sex." I froze and coughed, "No I was umm taking a shit." She mumbled something and fell asleep. I called Raven to help her to the car while I freshened up. Ten minutes later Raven had grabbed up Chloe and walked her to the car. She shut the bathroom door and I ripped back the shower curtain. Stella was lying there. I pulled her out and stood in front of her. I was so fucking mad, I was ready to do that with her and Chloe ruined it with her vomit. Stella ran her hands through my hair. "We probably should have stopped anyways Iz," she said. I frowned, "I don't care, Im fucking horny now." She laughed and kissed my neck. I sighed in contempt running my hands up her back. "Are you still coming over after the dance and party?" I asked. "Yes," she said removing her lips from my neck. She pulled me in for a hug and I wrapped my hands along her waist. "Stel?" I asked. She hummed in response pulling away so she could face me. "I'm so proud of you," I said looking into her eyes. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "I am proud of you Isabel Brown, you are a star of your galaxy," she said. I reached to kiss her one more time before walking out to get Chloe home. On the ride home, Raven eyed me up and down. "You hooked up with someone at the party," she laughed. I shrugged and laughed. When we finally got back to Chloe's and made sure she wasn't dead. I texted Stella.

Isabel: home btw

Stella: that's a good baby

Isabel: are u horny?

Isabel: cuz i still am

Isabel: but like im at chloes rn sooo

Isabel: stella??

Stella: sorry my phone died

Stella: im not horny but i still want to fuck the shit out of you

Isabel: oh wow

Isabel: okay i need to go to sleep

Stella: you asked 

Isabel: yeah wtv good night Stel

Stella: night Iz

I shut my phone off and fell sleeping dreaming of a very soulful pair of green eyes. 

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