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I stretched my legs as I looked out the window at Lake Michigan from above. My family and I were just returning from many college visits—and just in time, too, because it was December 20th.

Seeing Isabel had probably been the hardest activity in the past few weeks. Her schedule consisted of school, training, spending time fixing her relationship with her mom, studying, and then going back to training. My schedule consisted of school, working out, sleeping, and studying.

Isabel and her mom were able to work their shit out. They had completely flipped after I made her go to her mom's for Thanksgiving. Her mom took off of work and even had me over for dinner a few times. Isabel told me she was still wary but happy she was back.

I, on the other hand, was getting tired of not seeing her. Between my college visits and her training for the biggest moment of her life, not to mention exams, it just left us missing each other.

The car slowly pulled into the driveway, and we were all dragged out to our respective rooms. I began unpacking. After seeing ten colleges in four days, I was sick of it. I have always dreamed of getting recruited, but not like this. After about an hour, I unpacked, showered, and was not lying in bed reading a book. My mom came in, "Hey, ice cube, me and the twins are going out for some Christmas shopping. I'll see you later, love bug," she said. I nodded, and she closed the door.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. I assumed one of the twins needed something. When I opened my door, a familiar brunette practically tackled me to the floor. Her lavender and honey suffocated me, bringing me a smile.

"STEEELLLAAAAA!" she said happily, hugging me. I hugged her back as she jumped in my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. I almost didn't want to let go as I felt her grasping my shoulder.

I put her down as she started up at me. "Hey baby," I said, touching her hips. She smiled, leaning back. "Hey baby," she mocked me. I smiled as I grabbed her and drug her to the bed. She begged and pleaded through laughs as my hands tickled up her sides.

"Okay, Okay, I give in," she said, gasping. I laughed in triumph as I rolled off of her and next to her. We calmed our breaths, and she spoke first: "I missed you." I turned so I could face her. Her blue eyes scanned my face, and her one hand clasped mine.

"I missed you a lot," I replied. She smiled, pulling me close. We talked about my visits and her training. It was nice, the time with her. We didn't have to have sex because we didn't know when we would get another chance, and we didn't have to fight. We got to be a couple, relaxing during one of the happiest times ever.

"So, did you have a favorite school?" she asked. I thought about it. I loved UGA because their team was amazing, but at the same time, UCLA had a better connection to making it to the league. "Actually, yeah, I was thinking about UCONN," I said, running my fingers through her hair.

She smiled and kissed my nose. "They offered me a full ride," she said softly. I gaped as I pulled away. "Izzy! What! That's fucking amazing," I said, kissing her. She laughed, kissing me back before pulling away. "What about us? Would you wanna live together?" she asked timidly. I smiled and pulled her close again. "Isabel Brown, I would love to live with you," I said. She smiled before wrapping her arms around my waist. I ran my fingers through her hair before we both dozed off. 

I woke up to the sound of people talking in the hall. Isabel groaned as she nuzzled closer in. I tried to go back to sleep, but the noises were getting louder. I carefully removed myself from her grasp and went to investigate. 

I practically ran into my mother, who looked like she was going to explode from excitement. "Mama, what's up? I was sleeping!" I said groggily. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Stella, we just got a call from the PWHL. They want to draft you, honey," she said.

It was like everything moved in slow motion. I was transported to the first time I was on the ice. I had just scored my first goal, and my dad had me up on his shoulder, parading around. As he put me down, I grabbed his face in my tiny hands. I pulled him close. "Daddy, one day I'm gonna play professional hockey," I said, smiling. She smiled back and replied, "I have no doubt about it."

Isabel came out of my room, looking confused. My mom filled her in as she turned and looked at me. She jumped in my arms, congratulating me, but I was frozen. I always dreamed of going pro, but I had Isabel now, and I just didn't know if I could have both.


The next four days were probably the most stressful. Between Christmas shopping and many, many, many phone calls, I was ready for the new year to come. I had just finished wrapping Isabel and the rest of my friends' gifts when the doorbell rang.

I opened it to find them all smiling. I welcomed them in, and we began our gift exchange. I placed Isabel's personal gift under the tree and went back for the gift swap.

(Gift Swap)

Chloe got Megan a signed hockey jersey. Luke got Chloe a makeup brush kit. Peter got Luke weed. Peter got Isabel a yellow sweater. Isabel got Mark a new record player. Mark got me a digital clock shaped like a hockey stick. I got Casey tickets to some underground artists. Since Casey didn't draw a name, she got us all some Christmas hats with our names on them.

Hours passed as we all joked and ate cookies. Everyone talked about their plans for Christmas and New Year's. "Actually, the rents are gonna be out for New Year's," Luke said mischievously. We all knew what that meant: a party. We all planned what to bring, and Luke even let us sleep over.

At last, Megan walked out, and I shut the door. The only one left was Isabel. I pulled her to the couch and handed her a small box. She gasped and grabbed my arm. "I thought we said no gifts because of the trip," she whined. I laughed and put it in her hands. "Mmm, I forgot. Now open it," I said.

She rolled her eyes and unwrapped the gift. A small gap left her mouth as her eyes raked over it. It was a watch that was silver and dainty like she liked. She inspected it closer and made a face. "I know it looks broken, but it's on purpose. It's the time when I realized I was in love with you," I said.

Her eyes watered as she clasped the watch to her wrist and looked back at me. She laughed as a tear fell from her face. "I could live a million lifetimes and never have enough with you, Stella Bowers. I love you," she said, kissing me. I kissed her back, and she pulled away. "But you didn't think I seriously didn't get you a gift?" she said. 

She quickly pulled a small box from her hoodie pocket and ripped the paper. It was a small chain that had an "I" attached. It was small and dainty, like I liked. I smiled as I fastened it around my neck, looking down. "I know it's not much, but I want people to know you're mine and I'm yours. I had never felt the way I do about you, Stella," she said. 

I kissed her quickly, making her stop talking. She moaned in my mouth as I pulled her to my waist. "Isabel, it's perfect. I love it, and I love you," I said, calming her insanely. She smiled and flipped her around so that her back was to me. 

We stayed like that, watching Christmas movies until she had to go. I walked her out, partially freezing. "See you New Year's?" I said. She smiled and nodded before driving off. 

I stayed outside for a while, just thinking about my future. Was I going to give it all up for her?

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