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Time Jump!!!

I quickly turned the heat up in my car. It had only gotten colder in the past few weeks, and we had already seen our first inches of snow. I drove quietly to school, thinking about nothing in particular. 

As I pulled into the lot, I saw a family redhead waiting for me. She quickly entered the car, pulling her gloves on tighter. "Why is it so cold?" she breathed out angrily. I laughed and shrugged, flipping through my phone and talking to my friend about aimless things.

My attention was pulled away when I heard a faint knock on my window. I turned and was met with a very bundled-up Nico. I unlocked the backseat and allowed him solace from the harsh cold. He removed the scarf from his mouth, "Hey Isabel. Hey Chloe," he said. We both replied, and I asked him why he was here. He explained how we needed to practice a little later tonight. I nodded and he promptly left the car. In the week since Halloween, Nico and I had hung out alone to try and work on our chemistry, much to Stella's disapproval. Just as easy as breathing she was on my mind again.

It had been a while since she and I had actually hung out. The times we had were either with our mutual friends or our time moved so quickly that I could barely talk to her. I would get frustrated with our busy schedules. However, with Thanksgiving Break looming, it might finally give us a chance to spend some time together. 

"We should head in," I said. Chloe nodded, and we both got in my car and hurried inside the building. As we headed our separate ways, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I opened it, my face immediately smiling.

Stella: u look good this morning

I turned my head to catch her green eyes but didn't see her

Isabel: thank you baby

Isabel: weird but thank you

Stella: I miss u

Isabel: I miss u too

Isabel: when do u leave

Stella: tmr 

Stella and her team had advanced in the playoffs, to no one's surprise. However, this year, the semi-finals and finals were held in Grand Rapids, so they were heading there to play. If they won, they would be back just in time for Thanksgiving break. 

Stella: u wanna meet in my car after practice

Isabel: uhh duhh

I shut off my phone, smiling, and began to actually walk to class. The day drug on, and at lunch, Stella and Megan weren't even there. I sighed as I picked around my food. It was so hard to not see her often. It was also getting incredibly hard to deny my feelings for her. I was falling for her and I was scared. I had never said the words "I love you" to anyone besides family and my friends. But it was something about Stella, it wasn't just the sex it was the way she cared about me. Her actions always had my best interest at heart and it made my heart swell. I tried my best to shove Stella out of my mind and focus in class.

The day seemed to drag on until, finally, it was practice. Nico and I had been working overtime to try ad perfect our craft. Last week we had an extremely important meeting which would qualify us for the Olympics or not. We worked day and night ensuring that we would make it. I have always taken skating seriously, but now it is different. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed how toned I had become, how much weight I had lost, and the muscle I put on. The same for Nico, he bulked up being able to lifet and twirl me in some of the most difficult ways. 

"Isabel and Nico!" My coach screamed, interrupting our practice. We both skated over to her at an insane pace. "You're...going to the Olympics, you qualified!" she said. It was like my entire world had frozen. Nico and my coach jumped and I stood still. I fucking did it. We did it. My entire body began warming up and I didn't even realize anything else until I felt warmth coat my cheeks. "You're crying, Iz," my coach said. "Well duh!" I replied laugh crying. The rest of the praise Nico, me, and the team celebrated. Before I realized practice had long been over and a certain someone was waiting for me. I rushed to change and practically ran to the lot where I found few cars left only one having their lights on. I walked up to the door and saw Stella scrolling through her phone.

She smiled as she met my eyes and unlocked the door. Beofre she could say anything I blurted out, "Im going to the olympics!" Her face immediately turned up as she grabbed my face and pulled me into her. "Oh my god, Isabel Brown, I'm so fucking proud of you. You deserve this. Out of everyone, you are the most dedicated, talented, incredibly strong person I know," she gushed. My heart swelled as the words left her mouth, and without even thinking about it, I pulled her to my lips. They moved together like a dance, and I quickly reached over the console and straddled her waist. "Maybe we should-" she tried to say, but I quickly silenced her with a kiss on the neck. I felt her hand reach out to the door for support. I began sensually kissing her neck and heard her breathing get more shallow. I moved my mouth lower only to hear a loud knock on the window.

I jumped off Stella, and all the life drained out of me when I saw who was knocking. My face felt hot and tears prickled the sides of my eyes. I looked as Chloe started at me in a face of utter shock. 

AN: Hehehehehhe...OOO, it's getting started. Also yall this book is going to be coming to a end real soon. we have a few more big things to hit but no worries im already working o a sequel which should give you a hint on how this book is going to end.. Maybe? Maybe not? Love you guys

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