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I sat on the bench trying to catch my breath. I looked over my shoulder and saw Faye standing by the exit. I furrowed my brow and started getting up. Isabel looked at me with a perplexed look. As I was walking to the locker room Faye stopped me calling, "Stella, baby." I turned around and said, "I'm not your baby, get out of my way." She laughed and allowed me to walk towards the locker room. "God if you used half of your energy that you use on being mad at me maybe I wouldn't have cheated on you," she said snakily. 

I stopped in my tracks and before I could respond Isabel quipped, "Oh shut the fuck up Faye you're just a big slut.," she said looking at her nails nonchalantly. My mouth was agape and I looked dumbfounded. Faye scoffed and muttered something out of her mouth. She flipped her hair and walked out of the rink. "You didn't have to do that," I said looking at Isabel. "I didn't mind, honestly she deserved it," she responded. I hummed in agreement and grabbed my hockey bag. "I'll see you tomorrow Iz, I said walking out of the gym. She muttered something but I didn't hear it.

I was halfway to my car when Isabel came running out. "Stella wait!" she called out. I turned and was face to face-with her. I gave a "how may I help" face and she sighed. "Can you drive me home please?" she questioned. I ran my fingers through my curly hair and responded, "Yeah, sure whatever." She thanked me and followed me to my car. As we got to my car I unlocked it and threw my bag in the backseat. I opened the car door and slid in. Isabel was standing outside of the car. I rolled my eyes, "are you gonna get on or just stand there with your thumb up your ass," I spat. She shook her head, got in the car, and said, "You're a real asshole, Stella." I laughed and started up the car. It was quiet and the tension could probably be cut with a knife. Isabel looked like she wanted to kill me.  Her house wasn't far from mine, and I knew this because she hosted a party our freshman year.

 As we arrived at her house, she exited the car and slammed my door shut. I lost it. I jumped out of the car to catch up with her calling her name. She didn't stop until I grabbed her wrist and pushed her against my car. "Don't EVER fucking slam my door. You got that?" I said looking down in her eyes. Her normal ice blue was now overtaken by dark blue. Her mouth was agape and I realized how close we were. She was up against my car almost on her tippy toes looking up at me. Our bodies were just inches away from one another, so close I could smell her perfume. She sighed, "You know what, I'm so sick of your attitude. You're a grade-A asshole Stella. I don't want you helping me anymore, got it?" she said. Before I could respond she nudged me slightly and walked into her house. I turned around and slammed my hands down on the car. I took a deep breath and got in my car and drove home. 

When I got home both of my brothers were sprawled out on the couch playing video games. I asked where mom was and they both pointed to the kitchen. I walked in and saw my mom over the stove stirring something. I walked to the bar top counter and slumped in the chair. She looked at me, "What's wrong honey?" she asked. I sighed, "I did something really stupid because I was upset and didn't mean it," I responded. She nodded and asked, "Well, is whatever you did something you can apologize for?" I shrugged my shoulders picking at something on my shirt. She walked up to me and held my face. "Stella, you have big emotions and sometimes they get the best of you. Whatever you did, go apologize for it," she said looking at me. I nodded and she smiled softly. I excused myself and went to my room. I sat at my desk chair looking at my phone contemplating everything. I almost texted Isabel "I'm sorry" fourteen times.

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