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"Stel..wake up," a voice said shrugging me awake. My eyes slowly opened as I met Megan's eyes. I groaned dragging my hands across my face and taking in my surroundings. We arrived in Grand Rapids after a long three hours. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and walked off the bus. We checked into the hotel, and the coach gave us an hour before we had to be down for practice. 

I entered the room, plopping face down on the bed and groaning again. Megan laughed and jumped on her bed, eliciting a laugh from me. "What's up with you?" Megan asked turning to face me. I sat up and looked at her. With a heavy sigh, I said, "Last night Isabel and I were...making out, and Chloe caught us. And I haven't heard from her since." Megan looked at me with large eyes. I sighed again plopping back on the bed. 

"You know, maybe things aren't so bad? Maybe she and Chloe are just talking it out?" Megan offered. I let out another groan, and Megan laughed again, giving me a pat on the back. We spent the next hour unpacking, and I checked my phone subconsciously fifteen times, waiting for a text from Isabel or even Chloe, for that matter, but no message arrived. I shut my phone off completely before making my way down with my hockey bag in my hand.

I internally screamed as the cold ice and my body met once again. My coach screamed for us to go again, and everyone looked wearily at me. I had messed up 5 plays back to back, plays that I created. Everyone seemed to pick up that something was wrong, but no one truly knew. However, I did. It was Isabel. I couldn't get her off my mind and it was wrecking me. Another missed shot. "Bowers," my coached voice boomed. "Get over hear now!" Everyone's eyes were on me as I skated towards my coach. When I approached her, she grabbed me by the facemask, pulling me to her eye level.

She opened her mouth and spoke out loud enough that everyone could hear. "Bowers, what the hell is going on? In less than 24 hours, we will play the game that determines if we go to State. And you're sitting here acting like a fool. Lock in Bowers or your ass will be sitting on that bench watching your team. Now get off my ice and go get your mind in check." She let go of my mask allowing me to skate away and off the ice and into the locker room. 

As soon as my body was fully in I threw my mask off along with my stick and pads. My mind was racing and I couldn't control my thoughts. They were racing between so many things. I loved hockey more than anything, in fact, it was the only thing I loved, but Isabel...she was becoming something extremely important to me, and I couldn't even help it that my mind constantly escaped to her. My body slid down against the lockers as small sobs escaped my mouth. I placed my head in my hands and just sobbed. 

My teammates walked in shortly thereafter, and I had finished crying. They all avoided eye contact with me as they packed up their things and walked toward the bus. Megan offered to wait for me, but I told her I would meet her on the bus. I removed the rest of my gear and replaced it with a hoodie and sweats. I placed my headphones on and essentially shut out the world. I decided to walk to the hotel, seeing as it was only a mile from the arena. As I walked I opened my phone to find no notifications from who I wanted to. I had a decision to make and it would be the hardest I ever made.


I sat on the bench with my eyes closed, tuning everything out. All the thoughts in my mind were gone and all I had in my mind was hockey, just hockey. When the loudspeaker called out my name, I skated onto the ice and took my starting position. The loud buzzer signaled the game had begun, and I strongly took charge of the puck. 

55 minutes had passed and we were still 4-4. The ref signaled for a timeout, where I promptly removed my mask and took deep gasping breaths. My body ached as I had been thrown into the ice many times. The coach spoke, "Five minutes remain between State and home. Make it count, and Bowers, go beat the shit out of them." I nodded as my teammates surrounded me and we divulged a play. When the buzzer's loud buzz signaled the end of the break, we all stepped back on that ice, the game picking up immediately. 

Two of the defenders had it, however I saw an opportunity and took it. They were dumfoudned as the pock was now in my possession as I raced towards the goal. I had a clean and fair shot until I was thrown against the wall. I was dazed for a second before getting back up and starting to find the puck, which I found rather quickly. I scooped it with ease and saw there were .99 seconds remaining. I drew my stick back and hit the puck with all my might as it whizzed past Eevone, hitting the back of the net just as the buzzer went off.

The crowd erupted in cheers as I skank to my knees. 4 years in a row. We were making history. My team lifted me up. Hceering loudly we walked all the way to the locker room. Coahe's after-game speech was nothing we hadn't heard before. We had about two days to prepare for the state. One day we knew who our opponent was. Coach congratulated us again and sent us back to the hotel. "So have you been on your phone much today?" Megan asked me while we waited for the elevator. I shook my head, "Uhh, not much. Why?" I asked. She pursed her lips, "Ohh just curious." "Oh, I left my bag with Gina. I'll be back," she said before racing off. I shrugged my shoulders and got on the elevator. 

All the way up there, I dreamed of plopping on that bed and having the best sleep of my life. The doors opened, and I slowly walked to my room, looking around for the key card. Once I found it, I scanned it in and opened the door, only to be promptly surprised by what stood in front of me.

She wore blue skinny jeans that hugged each of her curves. She wore my hockey sweatshirt with a puffer coat on top. She also wore UGG boots with a matching beanie. Once I reached her face, her very sour and unpleasant face met mine. "Isabel," I breathed out. Her eyebrows furrowed. Oh, we so need to talk." 

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