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Isabel and I calmed ourselves after the classroom fiasco. Our schedules quickly became extremely busy and we weren't able to match up our schedules easily. But when we did it was everything I needed. Lips smashed together and bodies being explored. We also learned about each other. Isabel was actually half Hispanic, she hated comedy movies but loved Kevin Heart, and she once spent 48 hours waiting outside for concert tickets. Isabel was like a breath of fresh air for me but he was also like fire. Every little thing she did would set my body on fire. It was new to me and it was hard to contain it. 

Over the past few games I had had this week, I had gotten multiple offers. On Thursday during a post-game interview I was doing, I was answering the questions with a lot of attention. The interviewer made a joke about something and I laughed and pushed my hair back. I finished the interview and went home. When I arrived I could sense that my mom was home. The kitchen smelled like gingerbread so I practically ran to the kitchen. She was sitting at the counter flipping through a magazine. "Hey Ma," I said wrapping my arms around her. "Hi, my little ice cube," she responded hugging me back. I was pulling away when she stopped and grabbed my chin. Shit. "Stella, is this a hickey?" my mom questioned. I reddened, "mooooooooooom" I sighed. She laughed, "Tell me hiney." I walked around the kitchen and grabbed water from the fridge. "It's new, it's nothing really." She side-eyed me and I sighed once more, "Alright, I like her and it's going well," I said. My mom smiled and ruffled my hair. "MAAA, don't mess with the curls," I said. My mom laughed and pushed me softly out of the way. My mom was my entire twin.  She had pale skin like me but she had freckles on her face. Her hair was dark and curly just like mine. "Go get your brothers, family dinner tiiiiime!" she called out. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to get the twins.

Dinner was amazing. It was the first time in a while we all hung out. I realized I missed my brothers. So after dinner, I walked into their room and knocked. "Come in," Sebastian said. I walked in and saw that Sebas was at his desk and my other brother was showering. "I'm taking y'all to school tomorrow okay?" I said. His eyes brightened and he hugged me. I was taken aback but I still wrapped my arms around him and squeezed the life out of him. I left their room and went into mine. I showered and actually decided to brush my hair out. The wet inky curls stuck to my back as I saw quite a lot of notifications on my phone. I saw that my TikTok had blown up. I had over 3,000 comments and even more tagged. I opened one of the comments and it read: hockeyslut300: who is this sexy hockey girl and why isn't she mine??? I looked at the video and gasped. It was my interview today but edited it. I was looking at the interviewer, then licking my lips nodding, then laughing and ruffling my hair, and then it repeated. I scrolled through every thirsty comment it getting too much for me. I shut my phone off and tried to sleep. 

I woke up the next morning seeing that I had even more notifications. I ignored them and got ready. Since today was a really important game they wanted us wearing hockey gear. I picked out an old hockey shirt that had my school's logo in the corner and on the back my last name. I Grabbed both bags and headed out the door. My mom was passed out on the couch with a bottle of wine. I sighed and took the bottle and placed a soft blanket over her. By the time I had hid the wine and washed the cup the boys were ready to go. we hopped in the car and we all talked. They were excited to be moved from freshman to JV. They also asked about the hickey but I ignored them completely. I dropped them off at the freshman part of the high school and then parked my car in the senior lot. When I got out of my car all eyes were on me. Most of the guys dabbed me up and some girls looked like they wanted to lick my face. I ignored it until I got to my locker where my team was standing. "Can we get your autographhhhhhh!?" they all sang out. I laughed as they all jeered and chattered as I got my books. I turned and saw Isabel looking at her phone. Her lip was in between her teeth and her eyes widened and she looked up finding mine. She smiled and walked off. 

The day seemed to drag on and it just hit me who were were playing tonight. Our school rivals in every sport, especially hockey. Every game was always aggressive. Bodies slammed against the ice, black eyes, and fights. The only difference was that they were all started by me and Clarke Jennings. Clarke was a beast on the ice. Her technique was amazing but she was also a massive bitch. She was conniving and ruthless. When I caught her and Faye in bed I wanted to kill her there. "Save it for the ice Bowers," she seethed as I pushed her on the floor. The bell rang pushing my thoughts out and I went to the locker room. We had our team talk and then a team meal. Most girls were locked in. One of my defenders, Megan was chatting to her boyfriend. Megan and I weren't best friends but we were close. I walked up to her and said, "Hey Meg, do you think you could try and keep me from killing Jennings today? I don't wanna lose any scholarships or anything." Megan nodded, she knew the history between me and Clarke so I knew she would be a loyal friend. I walked out of the locker room to fill up my water. What I was not expecting was to see Clarke talking to...Isabel.

 I stormed over and yanked her back and she yelped out. "Jennings get back to your side of the ice until AFTER the game," I seethed. She laughed and said, "Well, well, well Stella Bowers is such a pleasure to see you again. Although I like that your hands aren't shoving me onto a floor this time." My blood was on fire, my fists were clenched and then I felt a soft hand pulling me. I turned and Isabel was shaking her head. I heard Clakre hoot and clap. "Holy shit, Bowers you did not pull this girl. No way. Looks like I'm going to have another one to talk off your hands for you," she spat. I shoved her and she shoved me back. I heard her coach call her name and she walked back to her side of the ice. "Meet me on the ice Jennings, you'll regret you opened your bitch ass mouth," I shot. I took a deep breathe and turned. Isabel was standing there frozen. I tried to take a step towards her but she backed away. I was hurt. "Fuck this," I muttered walking back to the locker room. I was so fucking ready for this game.

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