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My entire body ached as I pulled my pads off seeing my body was drenched in sweat. I cursed under my breath feeling my muscles ache. Everyone had packed up and left. Usually, I would be the first one out of here but I had Isbael's comp so I had to shower and look presentable. I knew her friends were gonna be there so I had to dress a bit more incognito. I opted for a grey hoodie, black sweats, black hat, black shoes, and sunglasses. I showered quickly pulling my hair in a slick bun so the hat would tame my wild hair. I drove to the competition place. It was a nice rink that was an hour out of town. I used to play here when I was younger but hadn't been back in some time. I walked into the rink and immediately made a beeline for the back. I see some people from school including Chloe. I scroll on my phone until the lights signal it's time. I look up from my phone and try to watch each person but I'm really waiting for my girl.

they finally call her and Nico's name and they skate on the ice. My eyes stay drawn to her the entire routine. Everything about her is beautiful and carefully sculpted. from the way she freely moves along the ice and how in a minute she can change that and become firm. She is so freaking talented and she doesn't even know it. I watched as I could feel her energy coming off the ice. She had a passion and some fire in her as she carefully glided across the ice. As they finished her chest heaved up and down while she watched for their scoring. From all three judges, they got a perfect score. The crowd cheered as Isabel fell to the ice crying. This score meant not only had they qualified for finals but they also scored a spot in the Olympic finals which meant Isabel could go to the Olympics. She and Nico skated off the ice after receiving their awards and went back to their locker rooms to change. I stood off the stands but stayed in the back as I watched Isabel emerge and all her friends crowd her and hug her. She talked bitterly with them before looking my way catching my eye which she could see. She excused herself and walked over.

As soon as she walked up to me I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around. She shrieked, "Put me down you big log!" I laughed and put her down. She smiled goofily playing with the strings of my hoodie. "Isabel, you have no idea how fucking proud I am of you. You are resistant you are poised. I yearn to be like you," I whispered. I saw her eyes being to water and she leaned in. "Stella, you have no idea what that means coming from you. I wouldn't be here without you" she said staring deep into my black sunglasses. I coundt help myself but grab her chin and kiss her. I felt her body tense before she relaxed and kissed me back. This kiss was different from the rest. It was soft and slow. I sucked on her lips and heard her whine in my ear electing me to pull away before we got carried away. I turned my head slightly and saw all her friends staring at the back of my head wondering who I was. Isabel noticed it too and took a few steps away from me. I sighed, "Ummm I have your present it's just at my house. Come by later if you can," I said and walked right out. As I walked out I heard her friends chittering excitedly about who was the mystery man that kissed her. I shook my head walking away feeling something tugging at my heart. I didn't know how much longer I could do this. 

  AN:Filler lol im sorry im sorry. next few chapters will make up for this!!!!

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