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I woke up groaning as the light shone through my blinds. I tried to move but was stopped my two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I looked and found Stella sound asleep. Her natural hair was sprawled across my pillow and her face was peaceful and carefree. I twisted so our faces were almost touching and I ran my fingers through her curly hair. Her eyes fluttered open and she groaned. "Morning Isabel," she said stretching. Fuck her morning voice was sexy. It was deep and raspy and the words fell off her tongue like lava. "Morning," I responded back. Her hand which was resting on my waist was now sketching circles on it. I just looked in her green eyes wishing to stay like this forever. "So last night," she said drawing out her eyes fluttering everywhere. I smiled grabbing her hand and interlacing our fingers. "It was good, really good," I responded. She grinned pulling me on top of her and burying her face in my neck making me laugh out. "Stop Stop," I laughed out. I was about to plead again when I heard a car door slam. I jumped off Stella and looked outside and saw my mother's car in the driveway. "Fuck Stella, hide hide!" I said scared. She gave me a startled look and ran for my bathroom shutting the door just as my mom opened the front one.

"Isabel?" "Isabel, sweetheart?" my mom called out. I straightened up my room kicking Stella's suit and my underwear under the bed as she opened my door. "Hey Mom," I said smiling. She walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I returned the hug breathing in her perfume. My mom sat on my bed and asked tons of questions about school and ice skating, everything she had missed in the past few weeks. The conversation was going fine until a loud bang came from my bathroom. My mom's eyes flipped to my bathroom door and I cursed internally. "Isabel, do you have someone over?" my mom asked. I clasped my hands together, "umm yeah just my friend," I said. My mom narrowed her eyes and walked to the bathroom door. I shut my eyes in fear knowing my mom was about to see a half-naked girl in my bathroom and ask dozens of questions. What I was not expecting to see was Stella in a hockey shirt and jeans with her shoes half on. "Oh, hello," my mother said. Stella smiled sheepishly, "Hi, Ms Brown," she said shaking my mom's hand. My mom returned the shake with a confused look on her face. Stella explained how she needed a place to sleep since her younger brothers were having people over. My mom was overjoyed and even invited Stella for breakfast which she deliced. My mom was sad but Stella promised she would come back. My mom left us so Stella could say her goodbyes. "That was so fucking close," I said covering my face. Stella grabbed my hands and pulled them down looking straight at me. "It's not the first time I've had to do this," she laughed out. I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully. "In all seriousness, we're okay. She has no idea," she reassured me. I nodded and she pulled me close resting her head on top of mine. She kissed my head and walked out my door. I heard her saying goodbye to my mom and then the front door opening and closing. I sighed heavily deciding to join my mother downstairs.

My mom was in the kitchen making pancakes like she did every time. My mom was almost always away on a case. Ever since I was old enough to know how to cook she was always gone. She would make it up to me by making pancakes and then watching a movie with me. As I got older it would work less and less. "My goodness Stella has grown up beautifully," my mother said pouring the batter onto the pan. "I guess so," I said pouring s cup of coffee. "Well she seems nice but honey is she gay?" my mother asked. It was like all the air had been sucked out of my lungs and shoved back into them. "Oh, ummm yeah I guess," I mumbled back. My mom flipped the pancakes and continued, "Well just be careful sweetheart. She might try and make a move on you." I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily. "What if she did Mom? Would that be so wrong?" I asked getting upset. My mom put down the pan and walked over to me. "No, honey but I know you and you don't want that in your life. Not saying that life is wrong but you're boy crazy Isabel. I know about all the boys you've been with, even if you think I don't know I do." my mom said running her hands through my hair. I nodded agreeing with her to get her to leave me alone. My mother had no idea who I was or who I was becoming. She finished the pancakes and I picked around mine having lost my appetite. My mom didn't pick up on it and hauled me to the living room to watch a movie. We picked a movie with Kevin Heart in which she fell asleep within 15 minutes. I took the opportunity to grab my phone and text Stella. 

Isabel: forget about me yet?

Stella: never

Isabel: so u left your suit here...

Stella: oh i did?

Stella: now i have an excuse to come over 

Isabel: haha

Stella: wyd on friday?

Isabel: nothin why?

Stella: let me take you on a date

Stella: it can be out of town

Stella: yk what forget i asked lol

Isabel: no i wanna go

Isabel: my answer is yes

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