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I was sitting across the table from Casey watching her eat what looked like the world's greenest salad.  I hadn't seen her since homecoming because hockey had really picked up and she and her boyfriend spent all their free time together." So," she began, "How was your homecoming night?" I looked at her and replied, "It was good, had a good ending." She smirked stabbing her fork into her salad and shaking her head. "Did you happen to go to Isabel's?" she asked curiously. I took a big gulp of my water and smiled looking down remembering that night. "Yeah I did," I replied. She slapped my arm and demanded I tell her all the details of my night which I didn't. She pleaded but I held my ground. She threw a tomato at me in defeat which I caught in my mouth laughing. 

The rest of lunch we sat catching up with one another. As lunch was ending I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I turned and found Isabel staring at me with a warm smile. I looked away and pretended to clean up my area. "Hey Isabel," Casey said smiling at her. Isabel looked at her and replied, "Hey Casey. The rest of the table looked dumbfounded at the fact that I was allowing Isabel to touch me but it was like I coundt move. "Do y'all mind if I borrow Stella for a sec? I need to ask some tips about skating," she said twirling her hair around her finger. The hockey boys drooled all over her and my friends said they didn't mind. Isabel smiled and then grabbed me and pulled me to follow her.

"So what did you need to" I said before she interrupted me by slamming her lips against mine. It took me a minute to recognize what was happening before moving my lips against her. We were in the hockey locker room so I picked her up and placed her on the trainer's table. My lips trailed down her neck and she sighed in contentment. "Give me a hint about our date," she demanded. I laughed and shook my head. She whined and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to her. "Please, baby?" she said batting her eyes. I laughed, "Fine, wear something comfy, but warm." She smiled and hopped from the table. "Thank you," she said skipping out of the room. I stood there confused at what just had happened. I shook my head and walked out of the room. 

The practice was long and ruling. While we were undefeated coach would not settle for less than. "Again," Coach screamed. Me and the team skated an entire lap around the rink for the fifth time. I lead the line rushing to the door to take my helmet off. Sweat dripped down my face while the rest of the girls crowed around trying to catch their breath. We were talking when we heard a commotion on the other side of the ice. I looked and saw Nico and Isabel walking onto the ice. Our eyes met and she smiled slightly before stretching out. However, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She stretched her leg behind her back touching her head. She then stretched her leg so that it touched her face. She caught my eye and smirked to which I looked away quickly. I could feel my face burning and I quickly skated off the ice trying to cover my embarrassment. When I walked out of the locker room Isabel and Nico were closer to the wall. Nico was rapidly talking and Stella was giving zero fucks. She looked away and caught my eye. She stared at me while Nico talked incessantly. I mouth, "Call me" to which she nodded. I walked out of the gym and waited for my brothers so we could go home.

AN: Filler ASF before the date which is next chapter. bit of a time jump(Not LOng)

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