Beneath the Whirlpool

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Note: Ateez ship is semi-automatic steering,
Hongjoong=Captain/Capitano. The octopi living in the shipwreck are a bit unusual as in they are able to live on land for long periods of time

Inside sereniteapot

"Huh strange the teapot is unaffected..." Hongjoong notes.

"Yes, the outside environment will not affect the teapot since it floats in its own space." Xiao reassures us.

"Is everyone alright?!" I asked, worriedly.

"Yep." Aj replied as she landed next to Kokomi in the water

"Yeah, and thanks for saving my ship." Hongjoong replied as he points at the Ateez ship in the ocean-like, fresh water of the sereniteapot.

"I'm alright mates!" Yelled Felix.

"Same!" Yelled San.

Dottore proceeds to check if any of us had any injuries.

"Hey you guys are back fast!" Itto exclaims as he exits the mansion.

"Hey Itto!" I called.

I walked over to him and Sara to explain what happened.


"What now?" Hongjoong asks Xiao and me.

"I'll go scour outside see if it's safe to come out..." Xiao declares.

Hongjoong nods, "Let me come with you." He gently puts a hand on Xiao's shoulder.

"Alright." Xiao replies, "we'll come back to let you know when to come out." He nods.

San then walked over to his captain.

"I'll join too." San nods.

The three teleported out of the teapot with a rubber raft.

Dottore and me went inside along with Aj, Wrio and Kokomi to cook some dinner.

"How much food we have in here?" Aj asks.

"Oh we got plenty." Itto waved his hand.

Sara nodded and went to grab some ingredients.

We ate in silence.

Meanwhile outside sereniteapot

Xiao tried to rip the bag that was stuck to the rubble floating around.

The bag was free but then fell into the water.

Xiao and Captain both dove after it. San dove down with him.

Sharks began to swim back and forth.

Hongjoong, Xiao and San all drew out their weapons and prepared for battle.

Hongjoong fought the eel and sharks.

Xiao managed to help kite and kill a few as well.

A roar sounded not far from them.

Xiao then went to deal with the creature.

Few minutes Later

Xiao, Hongjoong and San then returned.

"Safe to explore this area however best not take the Ateez ship out..." Xiao began.

"Hongjoong, are you alright?!" I asked, discovering that he was bleeding profusely.

The Ateez Captain was about to pass out from the blood loss.

"Carefully get him inside!" Dottore orders.

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